Eyjafjallajokull Volcano Iceland


Mistress of the Night
Executive Leadership
Global Moderator
Sep 24, 2009
Reaction score
Kind of old, but awesome looking nonetheless:


Those are some amazing pics and comments there at the bottom. That has got to be very intimidating in person. I do have one friend in Iceland, who actually forwarded me that link. He said that it's going to be a complete mess for a long time to come.



ps: yes, I copy-pasta'd the thread title. :p
Better yet, try saying it 5x fast! I don't even know how it's pronounced. Amazing pictures though, really get a feeling of awe looking at them.
Better yet, try saying it 5x fast! I don't even know how it's pronounced. Amazing pictures though, really get a feeling of awe looking at them.

Impossible. :p

Do you guys/gals remember seeing any of the hurricaine pictures that came out from America a few years back? There was one taken from Space that looked like it covered 1/3rd of the ocean from the east ocast. These pictures are give me the same amount of 'awe' feeling.

What a mess though, seriously.