True or just a lie??


TAG Member
Oct 29, 2012
Reaction score
Hello people...sorry but my English is poor because my real language is Spanish. Well I am living in Japan 4 years, some friends told me about Scott girls but I had never tried until now. Few weeks ago on a social page like tagged I added some friends and one of them was a Japanese girl, we started to talked and also she gave me her yahoo messenger... All was ok until I told her that I would like to meet her in persona so she told me to ask to her manager and I need to pay because she is and Scott girl and work in a pitney company. Her name is ayumi Matsumoto , so I told with her manager and he told me I need to pay 25000 for reservation and 25000 for the girl and she will stay with me one week , I couldn't believe this because I know is to low prize for a girl like her, so I searched on Internet and I found her by the name of tsubasa amami, so I asked her about that on yahoo why she had a different name and why to low prize because she is a beautiful Iv idol and she just told me that tsubasa amami is a screen name... Also her manager want that I send the money by western union to Philippines because he is searching more girls people what do you think?? I guess this is a cheated or could be? . By the way the same happened with hikari m and her name in yahoo is Akemi kobayasi.
Yeah, that's a scam. Don't give anyone money over the internet.
It's a scam.

It is a scam. Just cut contact and don't send any money.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck! Get out of this scam now pronto!
That is bull shit man! forget about that absolutely!
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