Really interesting comments above, I’ve been in for a while and really found it hard to click with anyone - sounds like I need to move to SA or just change my personality (and looks)
Thanks Frenchy, I appreciate all the support.
So as I descend in the nether regions of sugardaddy all I can say is
“Once more unto the breach, dear friends”
I’ve not gone in for p4p but there is plenty of fun to be had in Nagoya. People are pretty friendly and there are always “guides” who’ll take you to an international bar if you nees.
We’ll I’ve managed to hit on a good seem of girls who are fashion designers and who all have uncles who teach them how to invest in nfts with amazing returns - lucky guy I am!
Anyone have other scams you’d recommend being in the lookout for?
I finally signed up and let’s just say it’s pretty tough if you are just an English speaker like me. On the other hand, it’s really motivated me to learn Japanese - which says a lot for a Brit because we really hate languages
This is really informative thanks all, someone mentioned that prepaid cc work on this - does that include ones bought from convenience stores? Sorry for the dumb question!
Unfortunately we don’t learn any other languages in the UK - we struggle enough with English
I’ll behave - I’m only looking into the sugar scene to find people to go out with.