News 1/4/2013 - Happy New Year

TAG Administrator

TAG Member
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
We hope that everyone that celebrated the recent holidays enjoyed them and we also hope that all of you that had been traveling returned safely to your homes.

From all of us at TAG, we wish everyone a very happy new year! We hope that 2013 will shape up to be a better year than what we have seen before. Most of us here in Tokyo (and Japan in general) will return to our usual working schedules on Monday the 7th, albeit probably a sluggish start after the long holiday season.

We do apologize for the slow response to email, PM's and approving new users during the past two weeks. I think we are up to speed now with all messages answered and all new registrations approved.

Please continue to join us here at TAG during 2013!

TAG Administrator
One other point I wanted to add:

I would like to personally thank everyone for their patronage during 2012. We had a marked improvement over membership and overall usage of the site. TAG is still a very small site on the large scale of things, but we did hit some milestones during 2012.

We managed to hit 10 million page views during 2012 with approximately 150,000 visitors. Compared to 2011, 6 million page views and approximately 80,000 visitors.

Thank you for your continued contribution and support of our mission here at TAG!
