News 3/31/12 - Site Upgrade Coming

TAG Administrator

TAG Member
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Folks!

This is just a heads up that a major site overhaul is approaching soon.

The entire function of the Tokyo Adult Guide will migrate to a new platform along with streamlining the layout of the forums. We'll be removing sections that are seldom used or not at all.

All content, including threads, posts, users and passwords will transition over without much problem. We will post a help thread for those who may get lost in the transition.

What will likely break: Bookmarks and links from other sites. I am working on a solution to keep the breakage down to a minimum, but some of it cannot be helped. The overall benefit in the end is worth the problems.

We're currently testing the migration scripts now to determine what will need to be fixed before the move. I expect that we will get the transition completed very quickly.

Updates to follow!


TAG Management
Stage 1:

- We're expecting to upgrade the database system during the Sunday (4/15) evening hours (Tokyo time) The site will be offline or unresponsive for a brief interval.

Stage 2:

- The next stage is scheduled to occur before the end of 2012Q2. (before 6/30/12)
- More updates to follow as things happen.