News 5/13/13 - Automated Email Changes

TAG Administrator

TAG Member
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Everyone.

In our continued attempts to combat the problems of email delivery to various email providers, several adjustments have been completed as of 4:00 PM JST today.

The subject & contents of automated messages sent from our site have been altered slightly.

As a reminder, email alerts that you receive from TAG can be modified within your User Control Panel (User CP). If you wish to stop all automated emails, please set your options appropriately in the User CP. If you need help in doing this, please ask for help. We ask that you do not mark our mail as spam through the various email service interfaces. (namely Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook and Google Mail)

To date, we have never sent out a broadcast message that ignores a user's choice not to receive emails from management or other various automated alerts that are sent out for private messages or thread subscriptions.

Thank you for your understanding!