News 7/11/2020 - LINE & Other Social Media Prepay Scams - Do Not Fall Victim!

TAG Manager

Executive Leadership
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
Public Service Announcement - Regarding Active LINE Scammers

Please be aware of LINE scams happen from time to time. The basic scam is that someone on LINE is advertising a service and you contact them for that service. The next step is usually that they will ask for a cash, gift or some sort of prepaid card (Amazon, Apple, Google Play, Webmoney, etc.). You will have to go to a convenience store to buy one and then the scammer on the LINE app will ask you to send the code on the card to him/her to confirm your appointment.

This is a scam! You will not be getting any service and you will not get that money back!

The names and advertisements change all the time, so we ask that you report them here on TAG or any other platform of your choice to make sure that it's visible. But the most important point is DO NOT PREPAY OVER A MESSAGING APP!

There a few cases where prepaying for a service is legitimate, but it's usually done in person and using cash.

If you are looking for a legitimate service or independent provider:

Read Reviews on TAG:
See Advertisements:

Reviews are subjective but those reports from senior members are usually spot on and can be reliable. Anyone on TAG that has a blue verification check mark, means that they have been met by management and confirmed that they are legit. Bad service can still happen, but you certainly will be 99% less likely to be scammed.

Do you homework, search around for other information but whatever you do, do not fall for the bait on LINE or any other messaging app!