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- Dec 31, 2013
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Will be staying at ANA Intercontinental Tokyo.
Understand it is near Roppongi..
Is this hotel girl friendly if I bring someone back?
Any info most welcome..
I've been bringing women to my room in a wide range of places - hotels with 3 to 5 stars, ordinary "business hotels", "serviced apartments", guest houses, private clubs and so forth on a regular basis for almost 20 years (before that I only did incall in Japan), and I only recall running into significant problems (meaning that my liaison had to be relocated to a nearby LH) once...maybe there was a second time, but I think that was in some other country. If you handle things with reasonable discretion and class, it should not be a concern, and even if you don't, it isn't likely to blow-up in your face. It will, however, reinforce the view of many Japanese that gaijin are ill-mannered and inconsiderate, so please do us all a favor and handle the matter in as low profile a manner as possible.
How strong is the anti- p4p stigma in Japan? I was walking around Fukuoka with my girlfriend a year or so ago and an older guy behind us started saying some things. She wouldn't translate but by his tone it seemed he was very angry. But it seemed like that was because this was obviously a neighborhood woman ( She had her Lawson's uniform on) out with a foreignerp. I wondered if p4p would carry the same kind of stigma.
I've met too many honorable and impressive Japanese men to go around shaming myself and others. I want those around me to gain face.
is it similar to western racists who don't like white women going with black men? I personally don't understand the mentality of despising an interracial pairing, or even actively focusing on race quite so much.My understandings are similar to AL's but not quite the same.
While p4p is MUCH less severely stigmatized in Japan than in the West, the negative cultural attitudes toward it still exist at a significant level. For example, Japanese sex workers are not likely to tell their families or their casual friends that they are working as an escort or whatever and may well keep it hidden from the boyfriends, current and future. Little girls don't tend to grow up with the ambition of becoming a prostitute in the same way that they might dream of becoming a nurse or a teacher or... Etc. And, as in the West, attitudes toward p4p vary quite a lot from person to person and place to place. An old guy on the street in Fukuoka is more likely to take a negative attitude than a young guy walking through, say, Shibuya.
In passing, there is also a long history of p4p in the West of course - "the world's oldest profession" and all that, and in some cases/cultures/times upscale working women ("courtesans" is perhaps the most relevant term for them) were not so badly regarded by most people.
In any case, GD was not describing a p4p situation in Fukuoka; he was walking with his gf, and I agree that the guy was most likely taking offense at the thought of "a pure Yamato woman being defiled by a hairy barbarian", as you put it...although who knows, could have been something else entirely. Maybe he doesn't like gaijin in general, regardless of whom they are with, or maybe he just hates Lawson's!But again I'd differ with you slightly in that I would not call his presumed dislike of seeing GD with a Japanese woman a "very rare" attitude; it is reasonably common (especially outside cosmopolitan areas such as Tokyo) imo. However, showing it and going so far as to make angry comments in the street is "very rare" (and sounds like drunken behavior to me); most Japanese display better manners and tend to "mind their own business" most of the time.
is it similar to western racists who don't like white women going with black men? I personally don't understand the mentality of despising an interracial pairing, or even actively focusing on race quite so much.
Why are white men not desired as interracial porn actors?While this isn't 100% accurate analogue, it's very close. There's the same sort of feelings of racial superiority and sexual inferiority there. It's pretty interesting to note that there's lots of relatively mainstream interracial Japanese porn where the JP girl sleeps with black guys, but you NEVER see Japanese-made porn where the JP girl sleeps with a white guy.
In terms of dating and P4P, you also have to consider that WWII is still pretty recent in the memory of the Japanese (not to mention the sizable number of US military bases that are still in Japan). The US occupied Japan until 1952 and Okinawa until 1972. At the beginning of the occupation there was a Japanese policy of 'volunteer' Japanese hookers servicing the US military. There's still quite a bit of sore feelings if not bruised egos.
there's lots of relatively mainstream interracial Japanese porn where the JP girl sleeps with black guys, but you NEVER see Japanese-made porn where the JP girl sleeps with a white guy.
What's funny is that the gf played me a little. Yes I had fun with her and I'm not angry in the slightest, however I did want a LTR with her at the time and I was surprised at how quickly she went through me then other guys, all foreigners strangely enough. Of course jealousy plays a role in how I see that.
It's kind of humorous that anyone would be so hellbent on preserving the "virtue" of a woman who actively chooses her lifestyle. She has so much expensive stuff- there's no way Lawson's pays that well.
I'm not criticizing. I dare say that I was smitten. I probably would have stayed with her even though she wanted an open relationship. I'm just saying that if anyone thinks she is this helpless maiden and I'm some kind of rapacious foreigner, they have the game wrong. She was the dominant party in the relationship.
That's true and I'm fine with dating women like that. I would even date the girl I mentioned earlier again, this time with no expectations. Really it was more of a " live and learn" experience rather than one of heartbreak.The notion that sex implies romance is not nearly so strong in Japanese culture as in Western cultures. One of the consequences is decreased stigmatization of p4p. Another is that many Japanese women, especially educated, cosmopolitan young women, take an attitude toward sexual partners that resembles a classic Western male one - namely, wanting/seeking "bad girls for fun and a good girl to marry". This is the (horrible for women) madonna-whore-complex (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=madonna-whore complex) syndrome. In this context, it means that attractive young Japanese women are often comfortable seeing gaijin men for fun, financial "pampering", sexual pleasure and so forth whom they would never consider as serious romantic partners. They "use" gaijin guys without much feelings or commitment. At a *guess*, you may have run into such a young lady. If you listen to Solong, they are the norm, the large majority. I don't agree, but they certainly aren't rare in any case. There is really no problem with the situation, imo, as long as it does't blindside you.
My understandings are similar to AL's but not quite the same.
While p4p is MUCH less severely stigmatized in Japan than in the West, the negative cultural attitudes toward it still exist at a significant level. For example, Japanese sex workers are not likely to tell their families or their casual friends that they are working as an escort or whatever and may well keep it hidden from the boyfriends, current and future. Little girls don't tend to grow up with the ambition of becoming a prostitute in the same way that they might dream of becoming a nurse or a teacher or... Etc
Very friendly hotel. never had a problem in the last 8 years i have used the hotel. The elevator does not require key access. Further, if you do not want to access through the main lobby on level 2, please use the lobby at level 1 which is far more discreet.
Staying at the Ana hotel right now and planning for tonight.... Any good leads on reliable escort agencies?
Why are white men not desired as interracial porn actors?