Asian Girls or only Japanese Girls?

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Mistress of the Night
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Global Moderator
Sep 24, 2009
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For the guys!

Obviously, there are a lot of men out there that love the Asian women. Yellow fever and all that... However, sometimes I have found that not all men just like Asian women in general. Sometimes, they are a "Japanese Girl" only.

Why is that?

What is so special about a "Japanese Girl" over any other Asian type?

Curious minds want to know...

Let us call this thread, "Karen's Local Men Survey".
Japanese girls are a TYPE of Asian girl.

There's Chinese, Japanese Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Taiwanese, etc etc.

I'm just saying, Japanese is just a 'type' and I want to know why guys get all goofy over Japanese girls and not others. (Asian types..)
I don't know even know where to begin.
Japanese girls are just, the best!
I could probably make a list of the reasons why I'd pick Japanese over others.
Quite frankly, I love everything about them.
There are some really shallow girls in Japan, such as the 35 year old OL's who hang on to Disney stuff like they were still a teenager or such.
Then there are the ditsy ones...
Once you get the right combination of brains, looks and ambition... not to mention a high sex drive, you are in for one hell of a ride.
Bishop - you don't even live here. Is that Ebi-chan in your avatar? Looks like her....
Okay. That makes sense, now I feel dumb. You forgot Korean though, they are really popular too. Even if they are greedy little bitches!
Eh? I don't really have a specific preference for Japanese girls. I have gotten very acustomed to them now though. If I had to give up JP girls, it would feel trading in my BMW for a pickup truck.

Korean girls? Nice to look at and play with, that's as far ad that goes. The on Korean girl I dated was all I needed to know that they were not for me. Plastic surgery as a gift for graduations?? Wut?!?!?

Man, so many opinions in this subject.... I will stop here though. :D
i actually like korean girls. so you can leave them to me.
other asian girls are like a trap. once they get you trapped, you are stuck for good.
japanese girls are great too, but it is very hard to find a high quality one.
Wow, for the purpose of this thread, I'll say asian girls. But, japanese girls are in my top 3 when it comes to asian girls. For me, there's nothing more sexy when you meet a high maintenance j girl who carries herself in a low maintenance way.
Hm. Tough call.

I'd have to go with the Japanese girls from the country side. They are practical but have a dreamy view on some things in life. I've dated a variety of Asian girls and the top two are Korean and Japanese, but not the full-blown city girls. I am not so sure I would marry one, but certainly nice to have them around as a regular girlfriend. I have had some girls really spoil me almost to the point where I feel guilty about it, since the realtionships never last for a really long time period.

Shizuoka Japanese girls are top notch in my opinion.
How in the world can you tell the difference???

Live in Japan long enough and you learn the differences. It's as easy as figuring out Japanese, Chinese, Korean & other Asian types. A long time ago, all Asians looked the same to me and it was really hard to tell them apart. Now, I can tell the difference and in Japan, I can tell you where someone is originally from. You really have to meet people and get to know their personality types to really understand the subtle differences. Not just personality, but appearance too.
I've been here for awhile and can only distinguish Chinese, Japanese and Korean. I couldn't begin to tell you where the Japanese people are originally from. OK, well, obviously, if they are really white, then from the north. If they are dark, like deep tan dark, then they are from the south. Transplants really screw that theory up though. Those girls who like really white skin, also can be confusing!!! Amazing, I want tan skin and they (mostly) all want milky white skin. <.>?!

The milky white skin thing is very common, I always wondered why in blazes would a woman in Japan completely cover her arms, hands and legs in the summer heat! Now I know why! Every so often, I'll have a Japanese lady tell me how much they admire my white skin. The first time tha happened, it felt freaky.
Every so often, I'll have a Japanese lady tell me how much they admire my white skin. The first time tha happened, it felt freaky.

Me too. lol. :p I keep telling them it's not a big deal, they seem to think otherwise. :rolleyes:
Really now, everyone knows dark chocolate is better than white chocolate :)

I've heard that dark is better for your health, lol. ;) On the other hand, what I didn't mention above was the segment of Japanese girls that bake their skin to a really dark, dark brownish color. It just looks horrible the way they are doing it. Tanning would be better than what they do with that coloring make-up.

There are some some pictures floating around here somewhere of those dark-colored Japanese girls. One more thing, these girls tend to date Japanese guys who are 'wanna-be-gangsta' types. :rolleyes:

I've seen the girls you are talking about, a total turn-off for me. They need to start reading the lastest edition of Tokyo Cosmo.
I've seen the girls you are talking about, a total turn-off for me. They need to start reading the lastest edition of Tokyo Cosmo.

lol! Not that I'm attracted to girls, but it's a sore site to see. :p My Japanese girlfriends tell me those types of girls are just looking for attention. That goes back to the whole 'every Asian looks the same' deal.

I do love shopping in some of the younger stores, but those girls, especially in Shibuya, NUTS!!!
I do love shopping in some of the younger stores, but those girls, especially in Shibuya, NUTS!!!

...and you hang out there because you want to be just like them? amirite??? :D

Just yanking your chain. I rarely see foreign girls trying to copy Japanese girls in that style. What's that word? Weaboos? That's what they call americans and europeans who try to act like they are Japanese, something along those lines. Probably more reserved for manga/anime feaks. [no offense to those who are]
Weaboos or something like that.

It's cool. I'm just an average white girl, I have adjusted my style to 'fit-in' with the Tokyo ladies, I don't feel like I would ever look as good as some of these other women do. it costs so much to keep an updated wardrobe!

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