AM Asian Mystique - Ai (12/2009)


New Member
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
This review is old, but I think it still applies. I just haven't had the time to sit down and actually write a decent reply out. This is one of two reviews I'm going to post today. This encounter took place in December 2009.

I had some free time in Shibuya and decided to meet Ai from Asian Mystique. I had read previous reviews on her and figured she would be worth a shot. I had been disappointed in the selection at AM previously, so this was a shot in the dark other than the one review I did read. Ai & I met in Shibuya and made our way up the hill to the love hotel area. We had a short, mixed conversation between Japanese and English. Her initial appearance: 8/10 - could have been just the clothes she was wearing, maybe what she was wearing just wasn't made for her body style.

After getting to the hotel and getting checked in, we headed to the shower and she did seem a bit on the nervous side or maybe it was just me. Her first appearance in the sense of being naked was nice. Down below was nicely trimmed and clean, which I really like. Her breasts were small and 'cute', but nothing to write home about. During the shower, just a little touching and playing but nothing notable. Her attitude and personality began to let up a little and things were a bit easier.

We moved out of the shower and did some oral work on the bed and actually this was one of her 'star' points for me. Very few girls I've met know how to give a decent blowjob, Ai was at the top of her game this time around. No complaints there.... I didn't want to finish her in mouth so we moved to a missionary position with her legs on my shoulders. I slipped in and gave her a good run though before popping to and end.

We kind of laid there for a awhile and just cherished that moment before cleaning up a little before she gave me more oral work. She got me off again, finishing with a hand job and then a personal clean up before going back to the shower.

All-in-all; worth the money. Would I repeat, maybe. She's at least good enough for a one-timer. Average on all points: 7/10.

I do come from LA, so my standards are different that some. I'm not particular to Asians, since I see them all the time in LA. Someone who doesn't see a lot of Asian women, especially in this kind of situation, would probably enjoy Ai a lot more than I did.

Good Luck, I hope this review helps someone out there. :)
Side note: If people want more detail, please let me know. I thought that I would start off with same 'tamer' first to see how people like them.

Also, for Ai, it was a two hour course. I forgot to mention that in the original review.
Mark - thanks for the two reviews you've posted. I think the details were fine, others may prefer some more detailed information. -Thanks!
Sure, if people want more detail, please just let me know. I did not think posting graphic details beyond what I posted was really necessary.