Title: Bettina, Review, Rant and Request
Date/Time: July 2014
Provider: Bettina AM (but i contacted her through another website)
Contact Info: escortserv.com (follow the link to the Tokyo page)
Type/Location: Escort/ Tokyo
Language Specifics: Good English
Session Length/Fee: 2 hours 25000
Physical Description: Her pics on escortserv.com are taken in a very good way, her truer reflection are the pictures on Asian Mystique. She has nice soft skin but she`s carrying a few rolls of puppy fat on her belly and thighs. Nice breasts. Multiple Tattoos
Details: So after years (literally) of umming and arring. I finally decided that I would go with an escort. After a few more years of researching/reading/contacting etc I finally found what seemed like a good fit with Bettina. At the time I booked her I thought she was an independent but I now realize that she is also listed with AM.
A little background - I`m a really happily married guy and have been for years. Deep down though I`m the kind of guy who will definitely touch a bench if it says `don`t touch - wet paint`. So since about 7 years ago I`ve really wanted to pay for some time with a lady. the whole fantasy being the act of paying itself I guess. After 7 years of fighting myself I finally decided that I would, just to get it out of my system. However the whole process has left me a bit deflated.
Here`s why:- We meet at the station and had a 5 minute walk to the hotel. I`m already a bit sad that shes not as good looking as the pictures (or my wife) but I`m still bang up for a bit of a romp, and fully thinking "this was a great idea". We get into the hotel room and there is about 15 minutes of her lying on the bed looking at her phone, amicable chatting and waiting for the room to become colder. I`m sat on the chair at this point and we are having a nice chat but I`m concerned things aren't going to plan. Then I say right I`m gonna get a shower because its hot. She says "ok, I`m not" so I have a shower by myself, gutted there is no shower action. Come back out and lay on the bed. She changes into a dressing gown and lays down next to me.
20 second hand job
45 second blow job
and shes reaching for the condom.
She cant put it on because I'm not hard, so then she straddles me and tries to thumb it in. Not working. So then she said you go on top. So I spend a few seconds working myself up and then when I`m ready I try and enter. She has basically pulled her knees up to her chin, strapped herself in with her arms and closed her eyes. In goes the wee fella, but its just a bit weird. "dont be too long" were the only words of encouragement I got from her. Luckily I wasn`t as despite this her ladybox felt great (but I`m thinking great in the way that one of those masturbation tubes would be great). We finish up, she slides the dressing gown back on. 40 minutes in to the date, about 7 minutes of total action. Basically thats it. I told her that I felt pretty good about what happened, was glad that I got the urge to pay for play out of my system and we could call it a day. She jumped up ultra quick and we were out the door. I didn't know my way back to the station so we walked together in silence, then about 60m before the station she just took off. Weird.
I honestly don't think it was me. I`m fairly average looking, we had a nice talk on the way to the hotel and in the room. I don't even mind paying the full 2 hours for our session. I genuinely have no hard feelings towards Bettina and I`m sure other people will think she`s great. I just feel a bit crushed by it all. Or were my expectations too high?
Recommendation: Yes because she is nice enough and has everything going for her and clearly if shes in the mood I think she would be a good lay but also No because in the main it was rubbish. The best thing I learnt today was that I realized how much I enjoy having sex with the wife.
Request: To anyone else of experience, can you help me?
I`m keen to try again as i have an idea of what I should be experiencing. I dont want a GFE, I think I need to be serviced (Does that make sense?) There is a great video on ero-video.net called デリバリーSEX アナタの自宅に希志あいのをお届けします I`m looking for this experience. Not the hotness of the girl (though that would be great), but the casual/flippant attitude towards getting the job done. I want her to be thinking "Isn't it fun making this guy shoot his load over my breasts".
Ive already lined up 2 girls. One is the German girl from AM and another is an independent from tokyo.backpages. Miss Vivienne. I`m sure Mia will be fine but I worry that she wont have that `service` nature that comes with Japanese girls. Miss Vivienne worries me utterly but she`s clearly hot, I also told her I would walk if she wasnt the girl in the pictures. to which she replied no problem, so shes quite confident that she is the girl.
My concern is that they both might be like today's experience. Does anyone have any recommendations for a girl that will spend the whole session getting the job done and just generally being up for it without being a GFE. Ideally it would be an escort as I want to cancel out today's session, and then move on with my life.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to anyone's input hopefully
Date/Time: July 2014
Provider: Bettina AM (but i contacted her through another website)
Contact Info: escortserv.com (follow the link to the Tokyo page)
Type/Location: Escort/ Tokyo
Language Specifics: Good English
Session Length/Fee: 2 hours 25000
Physical Description: Her pics on escortserv.com are taken in a very good way, her truer reflection are the pictures on Asian Mystique. She has nice soft skin but she`s carrying a few rolls of puppy fat on her belly and thighs. Nice breasts. Multiple Tattoos
Details: So after years (literally) of umming and arring. I finally decided that I would go with an escort. After a few more years of researching/reading/contacting etc I finally found what seemed like a good fit with Bettina. At the time I booked her I thought she was an independent but I now realize that she is also listed with AM.
A little background - I`m a really happily married guy and have been for years. Deep down though I`m the kind of guy who will definitely touch a bench if it says `don`t touch - wet paint`. So since about 7 years ago I`ve really wanted to pay for some time with a lady. the whole fantasy being the act of paying itself I guess. After 7 years of fighting myself I finally decided that I would, just to get it out of my system. However the whole process has left me a bit deflated.
Here`s why:- We meet at the station and had a 5 minute walk to the hotel. I`m already a bit sad that shes not as good looking as the pictures (or my wife) but I`m still bang up for a bit of a romp, and fully thinking "this was a great idea". We get into the hotel room and there is about 15 minutes of her lying on the bed looking at her phone, amicable chatting and waiting for the room to become colder. I`m sat on the chair at this point and we are having a nice chat but I`m concerned things aren't going to plan. Then I say right I`m gonna get a shower because its hot. She says "ok, I`m not" so I have a shower by myself, gutted there is no shower action. Come back out and lay on the bed. She changes into a dressing gown and lays down next to me.
20 second hand job
45 second blow job
and shes reaching for the condom.
She cant put it on because I'm not hard, so then she straddles me and tries to thumb it in. Not working. So then she said you go on top. So I spend a few seconds working myself up and then when I`m ready I try and enter. She has basically pulled her knees up to her chin, strapped herself in with her arms and closed her eyes. In goes the wee fella, but its just a bit weird. "dont be too long" were the only words of encouragement I got from her. Luckily I wasn`t as despite this her ladybox felt great (but I`m thinking great in the way that one of those masturbation tubes would be great). We finish up, she slides the dressing gown back on. 40 minutes in to the date, about 7 minutes of total action. Basically thats it. I told her that I felt pretty good about what happened, was glad that I got the urge to pay for play out of my system and we could call it a day. She jumped up ultra quick and we were out the door. I didn't know my way back to the station so we walked together in silence, then about 60m before the station she just took off. Weird.
I honestly don't think it was me. I`m fairly average looking, we had a nice talk on the way to the hotel and in the room. I don't even mind paying the full 2 hours for our session. I genuinely have no hard feelings towards Bettina and I`m sure other people will think she`s great. I just feel a bit crushed by it all. Or were my expectations too high?
Recommendation: Yes because she is nice enough and has everything going for her and clearly if shes in the mood I think she would be a good lay but also No because in the main it was rubbish. The best thing I learnt today was that I realized how much I enjoy having sex with the wife.
Request: To anyone else of experience, can you help me?
I`m keen to try again as i have an idea of what I should be experiencing. I dont want a GFE, I think I need to be serviced (Does that make sense?) There is a great video on ero-video.net called デリバリーSEX アナタの自宅に希志あいのをお届けします I`m looking for this experience. Not the hotness of the girl (though that would be great), but the casual/flippant attitude towards getting the job done. I want her to be thinking "Isn't it fun making this guy shoot his load over my breasts".
Ive already lined up 2 girls. One is the German girl from AM and another is an independent from tokyo.backpages. Miss Vivienne. I`m sure Mia will be fine but I worry that she wont have that `service` nature that comes with Japanese girls. Miss Vivienne worries me utterly but she`s clearly hot, I also told her I would walk if she wasnt the girl in the pictures. to which she replied no problem, so shes quite confident that she is the girl.
My concern is that they both might be like today's experience. Does anyone have any recommendations for a girl that will spend the whole session getting the job done and just generally being up for it without being a GFE. Ideally it would be an escort as I want to cancel out today's session, and then move on with my life.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to anyone's input hopefully