Odd topic, indeed. I haven't met many females in any situation that gleefully droned on about their so-called academic and work credentials, but the few I did meet, I instantly wrote off as monumental, insufferable twats and just ignored, permanently. As with most every other situation in life, it's the folks who DON'T feel the need to brag about their capabilities that are truly the formidable ones.
I may go against the grain here but I believe the entire concept of a college degree to be utter horseshit. I have my BA, and I also believe my BA to represent nothing but sheer, pay-to-play bullshit. I paid a lot of money for a pass to get my foot in the door, nothing more, nothing less. Almost everything I ever learned that helped me snag a seat on life's most interesting rollercoaster rides and arrive at where I am today (not that I'm anything particularly bragworthy) I learned outside a classroom and on my own merits...and the few things I did learn in a classroom that came in handy, to reference Good Will Hunting, I could've learned for a few bucks in late fees at any library.
That said, at this stage in life I often find myself somewhat regretting not going to law school. I'm well aware it could've transformed me into a truly awful human being and significantly shortened my life expectancy, but after my many years as a political operative and realizing my inherent and instinctive knack for lying to, manipulating and exploiting people, I suspect I probably could've made a pretty decent living. Every time I have to meet with our corporate attorneys and then watch them drive off in their Teslas to go sip drinks at the country club, it gets me thinking.