Curious About Couple Kissa


TAG Member
Sep 9, 2013
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my GF and I would like to have the Couple Kissa experience, but we are extremely new to this and was wondering whether you could only come to the club and just watch at first.

Would people bother you/leave you alone if you don't do anything? Can anybody tell any story in detail about what happen from the minute you step in? also my Japanese is very limited, would that be a problem?any do's and don'ts?
If you search this forum, you´ll find some descriptions. Never done this myself (and am not interested, either), but from what I have heard about it, your lack of Japanese communication is a very serious problem. I predict that is means the scene is a non-starter for you. Go take Japanese classes first.
If you search this forum, you´ll find some descriptions. Never done this myself (and am not interested, either), but from what I have heard about it, your lack of Japanese communication is a very serious problem. I predict that is means the scene is a non-starter for you. Go take Japanese classes first.

thanks for the reply.

Yes, I did search this forum but I couldn't find anybody who said what would happen if we were there only to watch.

For language, I guess I can get around a bit (not 敬語 but 丁寧語 level I) plus some people said English would still be acceptable and I found a few clubs even have English written on their website.

even though I'm still not sure but for language the worse thing that could happen, would probably an entry refusal
thanks for the reply.
Yes, I did search this forum but I couldn't find anybody who said what would happen if we were there only to watch.

Common sense tells me that "only watching" is not acceptable. Would you run such a shop and then allow in a bunch of voyeurs who don´t want to play but just be entertained???

Fat chance for that.
sarcasm? anyway reddit/r/IAmA/ is more reliable than most sites, because they have ways to verify confessions.

just trying to share the info, this forum can use it or not.

sarcasm? anyway reddit/r/IAmA/ is more reliable than most sites, because they have ways to verify confessions.

California based reddit verifies what one user called "sexclubthrowaway" claims about his adventures in Japanese couple kissa? Do tell. The reddit intelligence team must be truly impressive.

Please report about your own adventures, when they happen.
I've only been once but I can't imaging just watching being a problem. I took a lady friend of mine, it was a first time for both of us. We watched for a bit, then had sex while others watched. She wasn't interested in other guys and I wasn't really into the other women who were there. We had fun though. Everyone was really laid back.
I have been, and there's absolutely no pressure to play if you don't want to - in fact, pressuring anyone is the quickest way to make yourself persona non grata. I can't comment on the language issue as I'm fluent and my partner spoke well enough to get by. Don't be shy - give it a go! You're likely to get a lot of people watching if one or both of you are non-Asian, though, so as long as you're cool with that I'm sure it would be a fun experience for you both.
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It would be helpful if those reporting their experiences in Couple Kissa or Happening Bar places identify where, which places, they (the experiences) took place. It is easy to imagine that the scene varies from one establishment and its clientele to another.

And, fwiiw, I also have a partner who is interested in giving it a try with me.

Inika, does your GF speak competent Japanese? I have it on good authority from an acquaintance who goes somewhat frequently that Kitty's description is accurate, though Zaphod is certainly correct that a dearth of -any- conversational Japanese will be problematic- mostly at the door. Fair or not, gaijin who can't speak Japanese are going to be viewed as potential troublemakers in the pretty exclusive 内と外 (in-group/out-group) environment that Couple Kissa represents.

However, if you ARE lucky enough to slip in on your girlfriend's linguistic coat-tails, you should know that the scene is usually 30's and 40's; it's not going to be a barely-legal orgy. That said, there are plenty of beautiful people in those age ranges, especially in Tokyo. If you're reasonably attractive, as the foreigners in the room you're liable to get as much attention as a strutting peacock in a room of full of chickens- and you are absolutely within your rights to refuse any solicitations and just have a good time. Also know that you will be expected to be sans clothing, even if you don't play. But if you're cool with that and can deal with the language problem somehow, go enjoy!
I have been, and there's absolutely no pressure to play if you don't want to - in fact, pressuring anyone is the quickest way to make yourself persona non grata. I can't comment on the language issue as I'm fluent and my partner spoke well enough to get by. Don't be shy - give it a go! You're likely to get a lot of people watching if one or both of you are non-Asian, though, so as long as you're cool with that I'm sure it would be a fun experience for you both.

OK, can´t argue with an authoritative report. I take it that for us gaijin guys this would be a test if we are fit for a porn star career? Because I am certainly not confident I could perform in front of an audience.
Seems to me it's either your scene or it's not. If you're not ok with exhibiting in front of others, you should probably stay away.
Seems to me it's either your scene or it's not. If you're not ok with exhibiting in front of others, you should probably stay away.

Well...sorta, but sometimes you have to try something to find out whether you enjoy it or not.

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my GF and I would like to have the Couple Kissa experience, but we are extremely new to this and was wondering whether you could only come to the club and just watch at first.

Would people bother you/leave you alone if you don't do anything? Can anybody tell any story in detail about what happen from the minute you step in? also my Japanese is very limited, would that be a problem?any do's and don'ts?

The best place for a foreigner with limited Japanese and being more into watching is Bliss-Out in Shinjuku. It is one of the more foreigner friendly bars, and it's pretty big (for a H.B.). You can get away with not speaking Japanese (which is rare for such bars).

Bliss-Out is a Happening Bar, not a Couple Kissa. From your post, you are not ready for a Couple Kissa yet, as those are the "real hard-core" swinger clubs and people go there to swap and not BS. In my opinion, those places are more fun. Olive-21 (also in Shinjuku) is an example of a Couple Kissa.

Another point, is that I've seen guys bring a reluctant lady to a Happening Bar and torture themselves. That is, he wants to play, but she doesn't, well at least not in front of him. Be aware that many women put up a "good girl front" when with the boyfriend/husband. And if you are giving out jealousy, hesitant, double-talk/hypocrisy type vibes then your lady can shutdown and not want to play. Meanwhile, such guys can see action and totally get turned on, but their lady will not because of certain things you might have said previously or disapproving facial expressions that you gave to her.

If you are interested in swinging, approach it with zest. Let go of the excessive selfishness and jealousy, and give it a good try to embrace open-sexuality. You can see the huge difference in satisfaction and enjoyment between couples that go for it/go one direction or the other.

Also, members use fake names and not real names in the bar. This gives you anonymity and protects your privacy. Don't give out your girlfriend's/wife's contact information to anybody and including the staff. Giving out your contact to other guys to arrange meetings is one thing, others getting your lady's info is another. In Happening Bars, staff and certain customers (to include women) can scheme to "steal your lady". Attempts at lady stady doesn't usually happen at Couple Kissa, which is another difference. However, if you remember to block any such contact attempts, you can have lot's of fun at Happening Bars.

Bliss-Out (Happening Bar)

Olive-21 (Couple Kissa)
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