Disappointed With Am - 99% Sure They Change The Girl

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Dec 1, 2013
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I had an appointment with Eri today at my hotel, but I am very sure they changed her for Ai. My suspicious are based on:

1) As per AM, Eri doesn't usually work on Mondays. They were supposed to ask her and she agreed to see me anyway.

2) I noted that this "Eri" had an issue with one of her front tooth (very sure it was an upper one). I had read that Ai had this issue. Personally, I noted that the teeth had a different color.

3) I am very sure I read that Eri was trimmed down there. This "Eri" was hairy.

Anyway, I didn't dare to tell her something about it as I had already paid the service. So, I had to make an extra effort to turn on. At the end, I came twice and we talked interesting things. However, I am very disappointed.

I have another appointment booked for tomorrow. This time with Mai. I am thinking that I should cancel it as if I tell them that I caught them, they will cancel it anyway.

This thing shouldn't happen!!
Be careful because AM is doing the same crap to me. They actually keep telling me Ai isn't available unless you're a repeat customer. You obviously aren't a repeat customer, otherwise you would've recognized her. I've never seen anyone at AM but now anyone I see from there will already be runied by the bad customer service. I sense they're starting to slip in that department. Either that or they have something against you and I.
I had an appointment with Eri today at my hotel, but I am very sure they changed her for Ai.

Why didn´t you simply ask her? I don´t believe that AM would do that, and I would assume that there was some miscommunication on the phone.
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Why didn´t you simply ask her? I don´t believe that AM would do that, and I would assume that there was some miscommunication on the phone.

It was everything via email. I wrote "I want Eri". The thing with the teeth is too obvious. I can't be wrong. If it weren't for this issue, I would still be thinking that she was Eri.
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I've never seen anyone from AM but I believe it already. Seriously, how do they know you're a repeat customer unless they keep your info (email/phone) on file? Try Nasty Dolls. I gave them a shot, tried Mya, and she was really fun. She was also really young, petite, and cute.
I've never seen anyone from AM but I believe it already.

Shooting from the hip, are we?
AM is well established, has been used by many people, me included, and nobody has ever reported such a thing.

Suddenly, one first-time user and one non-user make a grand claim, based on, well.. a tooth and a suspicious mind?? Allow me to take that with a bucket of salt.
Shooting from the hip, are we?
AM is well established, has been used by many people, me included, and nobody has ever reported such a thing.

Suddenly, one first-time user and one non-user make a grand claim, based on, well.. a tooth and a suspicious mind?? Allow me to take that with a bucket of salt.

Are you saying we are making up all this? I don't know about him, but I know what I saw.
Are you saying we are making up all this? I don't know about him, but I know what I saw.

Due to the overall convenience to the non-Japanese speaking mongerers, AM holds an extremely positive reputation on this board. A couple of new users making accusations will unfortunately be met with skepticism.

This most certainly could have happened though and I strongly recommend you to make a complaint to AM regarding this, as they have been known to offer compensation in the past if customers are not happy with the service.
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This most certainly could have happened though

Most certainly not. Girl-switching is common for Japanese deli healths that offer white women, with totally faked pictures and imaginary specs, which can safely assume the customers don´t know, don´t care, and don´t complain. With AM, the accusation does not make sense.
Most certainly not. Girl-switching is common for Japanese deli healths that offer white women, with totally faked pictures and imaginary specs, which can safely assume the customers don´t know, don´t care, and don´t complain. With AM, the accusation does not make sense.

I was not referring to bait and switching, but more so a mistake in communication.
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The accusations do sound a little strange to me. I've used AM probably 30+ times over the years and never had an issue as to whether the girl was not who I was expecting. In this case, if you think that the girl you got was Ai, not Eri, because she was not shaved, you are mistaken. Ai is definitely shaved.
You guys sound pretty defensive about AM. That's fine, I completely understand you're trying to protect them. I just don't understand why newcomers to this site aren't allowed to share their experiences or reviews. I still would like to try AM, but wow, I still can't get anyone to answer the question: How do they know you're a repeat customer if they say they don't keep your personal info on file? I think it's the only reason they won't let me see Ai or Anna. I'm ok with their "repeat customer" excuse. I just wanna know if they're keeping my info on file. I guess I'll ask them but I honestly feel like it'll ruin my rep with them as a customer.
You guys sound pretty defensive about AM. That's fine, I completely understand you're trying to protect them. I just don't understand why newcomers to this site aren't allowed to share their experiences or reviews.

But you did not have an "experience", only a pretty strong opinion.

I still would like to try AM, but wow, I still can't get anyone to answer the question: How do they know you're a repeat customer if they say they don't keep your personal info on file?

No idea about their procedures, but the phone/mail operator will remember your name even if there is no database, and the girl most certainly will.

I think it's the only reason they won't let me see Ai or Anna.

Why don´t you just ask then.
You should ask AM about personal information and they will reply to you. They have an interest to ensure compliance with privacy policies so they must answer you. The guy is very nice and I am sure he will respond to you clearly. Some shops give member cards to help them identify people. It could be the answer. But better ask.
Eri is not shaved. She has hair around her pussy. Ai is totally shaven. Therefore, from your description of the girl you met, the girl you met was Eri.

As for the repeat customer issue, don't any of you guys ever remember someone's name, like, in your brain? Bit of a long-shot, I admit. But Okkam's razor does leap readily to mind at this juncture.
Eri is not shaved. She has hair around her pussy. Ai is totally shaven. Therefore, from your description of the girl you met, the girl you met was Eri.

Ok. I will recognize my mistake then. Anyway, I really saw something weird with the teeth. Maybe it was the light and my mind just thought wrong.

My apologies to all.
Eri does not shave (just trim); and she has a "dead" tooth in front, or some such dental abnormality, so that one of her top front teeth is slightly different in color. More apparent in some settings w/ bright or direct light, less so in hotel room, restaurant, outside at night, etc. The young woman that you saw was Eri.
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Ok. I will recognize my mistake then. Anyway, I really saw something weird with the teeth. Maybe it was the light and my mind just thought wrong.

My apologies to all.

You shouldn't apologize. It's important to keep people honest. Even reputable people are not above examination.
I had an appointment with Eri today at my hotel, but I am very sure they changed her for Ai. My suspicious are based on:

1) As per AM, Eri doesn't usually work on Mondays. They were supposed to ask her and she agreed to see me anyway.

2) I noted that this "Eri" had an issue with one of her front tooth (very sure it was an upper one). I had read that Ai had this issue. Personally, I noted that the teeth had a different color.

3) I am very sure I read that Eri was trimmed down there. This "Eri" was hairy.

Anyway, I didn't dare to tell her something about it as I had already paid the service. So, I had to make an extra effort to turn on. At the end, I came twice and we talked interesting things. However, I am very disappointed.

I have another appointment booked for tomorrow. This time with Mai. I am thinking that I should cancel it as if I tell them that I caught them, they will cancel it anyway.

This thing shouldn't happen!!


Just so you are clear...AM does keep a database of ALL their clients as it relates to race, country and treatment of girls. Just say..I have a source. So that is why some girls "only" see "repeat" clients but they are new additions. So buyer beware.

Just so you are clear...AM does keep a database of ALL their clients as it relates to race, country and treatment of girls. Just say..I have a source. So that is why some girls "only" see "repeat" clients but they are new additions. So buyer beware.

We have head from a few AM girls that are either currently working for AM or past participants, they do keep details but they are not sure about how much detail.
Obviously, cell phone and email addresses can be tracked easily.

So we'll add our stamp of confirmation, at least partially to this statement.

Lastly, this is not an uncommon practice among foreign or Japanese shops. At least a Japanese shops, you get a point card! :)
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I have used am in the past, and Dave is fairly straight fwd. native English as he by his voice is a yank. That said I have not heard of this happening to any am user. Is it possible sure. But Dave knows his rep and would sort that out if you complain. As for info. The guy can tell a voice just as the old man at club boo can. I go months between calls to both and they both always remember my voice.
Never happened to me in over a hundred bookings down the decade AM has been in operation. Had my share of unexpected experiences, for the better (notably with the dynamic Manami and the adorable Satsuki, both sadly missed) and for the worse (with Hiromi, never was there a better-looking sack of potatoes, and Arisa, who rolled over and fell asleep with an hour still on the clock and was subsequently sacked). But never had a switch, though with Hiromi, Arisa, and a dose of foresight, I certainly wouldn't have complained.

Besides which, I'm not sure why you are complaining. Eri is in a different class to Ai, IMHO, so count yourself lucky.
Never happened to me in over a hundred bookings down the decade AM has been in operation. Had my share of unexpected experiences, for the better (notably with the dynamic Manami and the adorable Satsuki, both sadly missed) and for the worse (with Hiromi, never was there a better-looking sack of potatoes, and Arisa, who rolled over and fell asleep with an hour still on the clock and was subsequently sacked). But never had a switch, though with Hiromi, Arisa, and a dose of foresight, I certainly wouldn't have complained.

Besides which, I'm not sure why you are complaining. Eri is in a different class to Ai, IMHO, so count yourself lucky.
Meaning Eri is well above Ai, or vice- versa?
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