

TAG Member
Dec 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys,

Thought I'd share this as it doesn't seem to me anybody has seen any of the girls from EscortChics (EscortChics - The Most trusted Tokyo escort agency. A Real Girlfriend Experience Guaranteed!). A brief search on the forum has shown a lot of negativity toward images used on the site a while back, but I'm still curious as hell so I'll invest a little and post some feedback after my trip to Tokyo.

There is a lack of good Caucasian Escort reviews and I figured I'd take one for the team.

Their mama-san Anna has confirmed availability of Sofia, Gia and Nancy. Fingers crossed on an acceptable return on investment.

If anybody advise against this action, please let me know :) Otherwise I'll either come back with great news, or depression.
We will all be waiting for your post.

Boa Sorte!
Interesting site.

Kristen's pictures are of Orlaith McAllister (Big Brother UK).