Foreign Friendly Hikone Services?


TAG Member
Oct 1, 2017
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So, as posted in a prior thread, I am usually in the Hikone area.

I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for any places or providers in that area. Escorts, pink salons, soaplands, or anything else. I have found (on google) cabaret clubs, or as it calls them, girl lounges, but I assume Google does not readily list such.

I have found some nice providers, but no English site, so I assume not foreign friendly for delivery.

Thanks in advance, I know this is a small place, but worth asking!

Edit: If you have an English site link, or any site link, that would be very helpful. I recently found purelovers, but navigating is not easy, and even the sites listed as "nonjapanese OK" don't have a web link to find a non Japanese version of the site.
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I don't have any particular experience with the Hikone area, but just a few general hints...

*Outside of really large cities you're probably not going to find any services that specialize in foreigners (i.e. have a specific English page set up). Even for the vast majority of the services discussed on the board the shops only have a Japanese page and, in some cases, a small message in English somewhere saying that Foreigners are welcome, etc.

* If there are sites listed as "non-Japanese OK" that's already a huge step in the right direction. Those are at least places to start with. If I were you I'd start checking out the sites for those shops (if you're having trouble with the Purelovers site copy and paste the shop name into Google and see if they have a dedicated page, etc) and then do some research from there. If you find a place that looks promising it might be best to just call them up or visit the shop, depending on what kind of operation it is.

* Lots of shops that are, in practice, foreigner friendly don't necessarily advertise it. Try searching around CityHeaven or other aggregator sites for shops near you that look interesting and then check with the shop to see if foreigners are OK.

Google can be useful on its own if you search for "area name" + "desired service" but if you can get the hang of the search functions on a site like CityHeaven or PureLovers you'll probably save a bunch of time and find much more relevant information.
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