Fuck You Nigerians in Kabukicho

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TAG Manager

Executive Leadership
Aug 23, 2009
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I just told some fuckwit Nigerian tout in Kabukicho to fuck off with his shitty club. Fucking dick followed me around while I was waiting for a chick. Seriously... FUCK OFF.

I feel better now...
Those guys are just dicks and don't take a hint. Apparently 'Fuck Off' doesn't work very well, fucks still follow you.

This is the DICK I snapped a pic of:

They are like little fucking cock roaches. Always want you to come to their shitty little bar, with their ugly ass chinese girls.

What a fucking buzz kill.
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Chris, LOL!

Don't let them get to you like that! You know that your life is better than theirs, just walk away and ignore them. You reacting to them just fuels the fire, they won't anything obviously. They'll get booted out of the country if they push things too far.

I can't believe you took the time to make that picture, LOL.

These particular type of people are a cancer on society. I'd like to enjoy a night out without dealing with their shit. If I have chick on my arm they don't say a word...

They are a bunch of pussies that don't have a life outside that shitty job.

Yeah, I'm bitter.
I know they are persistent, but I guess they really struck a nerve this time! I've been walking around with my iPod going and they'll approach me in Roppongi, as they always do, but I cannot hear a word of what they are saying. THEN... they stick a card in my face, that pisses me off to no end.

Solution: Avoid those areas as much as possible. And never, ever give them business. Pass it on to your friends to alert them so that these places will dry up and disappear.
Solution: Avoid those areas as much as possible. And never, ever give them business. Pass it on to your friends to alert them so that these places will dry up and disappear.

I know it's not a problem for ladies, but either way, I still avoid those areas as much as possible. I do see the Japanese guys chasing after the Japanese ladies, I think they are probably just as annoyed as you are but cannot really talk back to those guys. (Polite society and all of that...)

At least these guys don't live in the areas we do. I do like being in a high-rise apartment with nice security. :)


I think I've seen that guy in the picture, wearing the same clothes.

Word on the street is that the Yakuza have been helping out the Nigerians to fatten up their bottom line. How low the low have sunk to make a buck! I've also heard back flow that the Nigerians have been cheating the Yakuza... so who knows.

Such is life.
Oh really? I had not heard that about the Yakuza + Nigerians teaming up?

Money has gotten tighter, eh?
I've heard that too through various channels.

You guys need to put up a warning thread about these idiots in Roppongi and other parts of Tokyo. They are dangerous and should be ignored flat-out. Just walk away and don't ever, ever follow them back to where they want to take you.
I find it amazing.. that they think we need there assistance to meet japanese or white girls... when will they be pimping out their nigerian sisters ?
I find it amazing.. that they think we need there assistance to meet japanese or white girls... when will they be pimping out their nigerian sisters ?

Going to Kabukicho tonight with a few Japanese friends after dinner tonight. Not looking forward to hearing their lame sales pitch.

I'd love to stick my boot up their ass. :cool:
So, I wonder, have some of these guys fled Japan or is the same old crap?

I heard the Chinese and Indian folk were the first to make the mad dash out of Japan after the quake.

Anything else positive come of the quake?
Don't blame the Chinese because the one's that left that were showcased on TV, lived in the tsunami ravaged cities and towns. What were they gonna do? I can only say that the fleeing comments about flyjins should be directed towards Tokyoites. It seems that Tokyo was the hardest hit by this and in some cases, why should they have stayed. As far as that being positive, I think not. This is about Nigerians and other imported miscreants, I still see them on the streets running Japanese women and scamming drunk nihonjins and gaijins as usual.
Couple years ago in Roppongi when I was pretty well fed up with those guys, the next guy who followed me tried to hand me his card so I grabbed it and threw it on the ground. He got in front of me and said "why you do dat, man? pick it up!" I shoved him away saying F*** off, and the next thing I knew I was surrounded by five of his buddies, all yelling and threatening me. Finally I just said "OK fine. I'm sorry already" and I left. That experience won't stop me from doing that again, but next time I will make sure no backup gangs are standing in the shadows.
They are like cockroaches.

They'll live through anything, I suppose.

The easiest way to deal with it, is to just ignore them and remember what they are doing for a living and I'm willing to bet, your life is probably better than theirs.

I was in Roppongi last weekend it was the same old crap. Even tubby was in his usual spot shouting about Wall St. Bar. Does he ever move? LOL. What's even more funny is the Japanese girls that are walking through the area, those africans are trying to lure them in with English. The girls don't even understand what they're saying...

Personally, I can't imagine they make much money. I do feel sorry for other visitors that fall for their crap.
1. Turn on iPhone video recorder.
2. Nigerian man approaches you.
3. You say "No, I'm sorry, I only like big tits."
4. The Nigerian will say "But we have big tits?"
5. You say "You have big tits?"
6. Nigerian says "Yes, I have big tits?"
7. You say "No, I think you have small tits."
8. Nigerian says "I have big tits! I have big tits!"
9. You walk away slowly "No you have small tits."
10. Nigerian whipers as you walk off "But I have big tits, I have big tits..."
11. After you get about twenty good ones, place on Youtube with title "I have big tits!"
I've been meaning to do this for a long, long time, but I don't want to get killed...
1. Turn on iPhone video recorder.
2. Nigerian man approaches you.
3. You say "No, I'm sorry, I only like big tits."
4. The Nigerian will say "But we have big tits?"
5. You say "You have big tits?"
6. Nigerian says "Yes, I have big tits?"
7. You say "No, I think you have small tits."
8. Nigerian says "I have big tits! I have big tits!"
9. You walk away slowly "No you have small tits."
10. Nigerian whipers as you walk off "But I have big tits, I have big tits..."
11. After you get about twenty good ones, place on Youtube with title "I have big tits!"
I've been meaning to do this for a long, long time, but I don't want to get killed...


Excellent idea.

I tried to film one of them on one evening I was out and about, he didn't like that idea too much. They won't do much of anything... 'cause they know they'll get booted out of the country. The people they work for don't want any negative attention drawn to their 'operation'.

On a short note: there does appear to be less of them hanging around. Roppongi is still filled with crap but Kabukichou was lacking a few of the regular morons over the last few weeks.
only by boat this guys can enter in Japan, right ?
Besides, only with the night clubbers you must be carefull about.
The others that want only to job and raise money, perhaps are good people.

And the big/small tits ideia are genious xD
only by boat this guys can enter in Japan, right ?
Besides, only with the night clubbers you must be carefull about.
The others that want only to job and raise money, perhaps are good people.

And the big/small tits ideia are genious xD

Well, more or less, it's these guys on the street that are the problem. The regular folks with a regular job usually are not a problem at all.

There's a mixi group of Japanese women that have been wronged by Nigerian or other men from the African continent. Got married, got a visa and bolted out the door soon after.

At least the group of ladies I work with daily, their opinion of the Roppongi/Kabuckicho club people are about the same as mine, ignore and avoid.

Personally, I've been lucky lately. Avoiding most of those places when they come out at night.
Really guys?

That bored?

Surely, there's something better to discuss!?
Ignore these assholes who are low-lifes with no job skills.
Are these guys even here legally? Will the new residence system help get them out of the country??
"Are these guys even here legally?"
I think generally the guys are married to Japanese women, so they are here legally.

"Will the new residence system help get them out of the country??"
Not if they are married to a citizen.
"Are these guys even here legally?"
I think generally the guys are married to Japanese women, so they are here legally.

"Will the new residence system help get them out of the country??"
Not if they are married to a citizen.

Actually, they were part of the impetus for the change in the rules.

Now, anyone who is on a spouse visa can be re-investigated, and if they are found not to be "engaging in activities as a spouse" they can have their status revoked and be deported.

Revised Immigration Act Q and A for Medium to Long-time Residents
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