Haruka From Japanese Fetish Femdom In Yokohama

John Chavers

By Jove, you couldn't make this shit up
May 23, 2013
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Title: Haruka from Japanese Fetish Femdom

Date: 4/28/2014
Provider: Haruka
Contact Info: http://www.m5959.net/gravure/haruka.php
Type/Location: Isezakichou, Yokohama
Language Specifics: Japanese with just a bit of English
Session Length/Fee: 2hrs/31,000 + 2,000 for honshime
Physical Description: Her main profile photos don't do her justice. If you look at her selfies (http://www.cityheaven.net/y/y-chijo/A6GirlKeitaiDiaryList/?girlId=8212801) from her blog posts you'll get an accurate idea of what she looks like.
Details: This is the third woman from the same service and by far the best looking. Haruka has a very fit body, not the skinny-fat you see in a lot of Japanese women. Bubbly personality, which was a surprise for a dominatrix.
Recommendation: I'm now a regular, so maybe I shouldn't recommend. ;-)

I met Haruka at the 3F meeting point, where she was pulling one of those carry-on bags on wheels. From there we went to a nearby love hotel. That bag is filled with tools and toys: you can see some of them under [アイテム画像] beneath her profile photo.

I barely lasted an hour: small, fit women are my weakness. I brought my own エネマグラ, because they don't feel as good with a condom on them. Since I have my own, she made me show her how I use it.

Before playing, I asked her for a ruined orgasm (you see them all the time in Japanese M男 videos), which she did perfectly. Tied my arms up over my head, then sat on my face while she went through several different stroking styles.

When she got me to the point where I couldn't hold back any longer, she immediately let go of my dick and yanked out the エネマグラ as I came all over myself. As I was still tied up, she then continued stroking until I begged her to stop.

We spent the remainder of the time laying together in bed. If your Japanese is good enough to hold an extended conversation, definitely save some session time for it, because she is a great storyteller. One of my favorites concerned an older guy with a daikon fetish. Produce shopping will never be the same.
Nice review. I'm glad you've found a good place for service. It's not something I'd be into, and too pricey IMO
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Nurse thing looks good. I might try when I go to Yokohama next time.
I like girls wearing costumes.
I don't think Fetish Femdom has costumes. Am I right? It's a shame:dead:
Their sista store Japanese Escort Girls do have nurse, maid and high school uniform.
I'm going to ask if their girl can bully me with prostate massage and a dry orgasm.
Haruka's photos finally got updated. Meiji may not be in to it, but damn, that's a cute little dominatrix IMO.

I have a second review from late May, but it's really more of the same, and those photos do a better job than my description anyways.
I have used Haruka-san before. She is absolutely stunning, and goes crazy with a strapon. I would use her again but she seems to take the late shifts, and my schedule only allows me play time in the AM.

Do you need good Japanese for yk-bully.
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I've never been to yk-bully. If you go, please post a review. :)
Yokohama Bully says they are Kotabazeme M-seikan. Mentally, no, verbally domination must be more interesting if I understand Japanese better. I think I went to there long time ago. They didn't focus on verbally bullying so much at the time. Maybe they changed...

I wanted to meet Haruka, but my schedule didn't match, too. They recommended me Wakana instead. I had a great time with the tall beautiful lady. She is also ready for a hard SM-like play. I liked her legs... well, I will put a review about Wakana someday soon. Bye for now.