Hinomaru Ayaka - !alert!


TAG Member
Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
Hinomaru is over!

I've been going there for close to 6 years without a problem ( that's 50~60 times probably - so that's ¥200,000 ~ ¥240,000 of my money spent there), however tonight was definitely my last.

First, the price has risen, you'd assume because of the tax rise. But it's risen to ¥4,320 which is ¥4000 + 8%. Considering that it was ¥4,000 with 5% tax included before they're cheating a bit here.

Regardless, that was just a little surprise at the start which is almost acceptable, the real concern is with AYAKA, by FAR the worst girl I've ever met.

Seriously, 1 minute of small talk then she launched straight into the upsell, asking me to pay another ¥2,200 for paizuri or else she wouldn't do ANYTHING!

I politely declined FOR 5 MINUTES, repeating that I only wanted the standard service, which only resulted in her repeating that she wanted more money, sighing and getting angrier as the time went on... to the point where since we were going round in circles, I simply got up, complained to the man in the bow-tie and left.

Seriously, please avoid her at all costs.
If anyone else has been to Hinomaru in the past few weeks I'd be curious to see if the aggressive upsell is standard practice now.

I'll never set foot in there again.
I'm probably going there tomorrow, and I wasn't planning on seeing Ayaka due to another review which said her performance was not great.

Was planning on seeing Ai. Just out of interest, what did the tenchou say when you complained?
I think Rumi is the only good girl they have left there. The only place I prefer going to in kabuki-cho these days is happy berry
Hinomaru seems to go through times when their service is just terrible. Then gets better again. Maybe they go through managment changes. Anyway that sucks what happened to you internet pseudonym. I remember the day I paid my hard earned cash
and a walking skeleton sat down next to me. I left and never went back for many years. I rarely go to Hinomaru as I am interested in other services now.
I had the absolute worst experience with her some months ago and have not returned to Hinomaru since. She was drunk, she went into my lap briefly and I thought she was going to throw up in it, she complained constantly, she behaved basically like an asshole, to be blunt. It was a complete turnoff.

It's too bad too - I kind-of have a thing for Ai, though Jun was, to me, the best. But I won't go back.

I've been going to Jan-Jan when I go since, even though it's more out of the way for me. I've always had a great experience there.
I remember there was another Ayaka that worked there until last year. She was working at Hinomaru for over 2 years and "retired" last July. I had that Ayaka 5 times. She was cute and such a sweetie. She had great tits, a great figure, but had the ass of Miley Cyrus. Other than that, she was really friendly and provided a great GFE. At least she didn't charge me extra to fuck her tits. Plus, she had stunning skills and gave me orgasms were I felt like I was going to ejaculate my soul. If you had good Japanese skills, she was easy to converse with as well. She was more or less the reason why I could go to Hinomaru. And they raised the prices due to the tax increase? At least Happy Berry, a Hotel Health service in Kabuki-cho, didn't pull that shit on their prices and neither did the hotels to use their services.
I wouldn't use the word "imposter," because this new Ayaka on her profile is writen as アヤカ while the previous one was written as 彩花. Let's just say she is not worthy of the name. The only girl left at Hinomaru I want to try is just Rumi, but her schedule conflicts with mine so I don't see myself going back to Hinomaru anytime soon.