Thanks TokyoSpirit. Thats what I wanted to know. Living alone and feel comfortable at own apt. I'm always respectful.
hey guys I check out this.
listings of gaijin friendly escorts
Can someone post the link about listings of gaijin friendly escorts?
A call girl that comes to your place not only knows where you live, but probably knows or can easily find your full name, what sort of possessions you have, and can then easily follow you to work, to your SO/family/friends house and then blackmail you. This is an unlikely possibility, but still a possibility, whereas meeting them in a neutral location lowers that possibility to practically nil.
Any p4p activity, at least for me, is segregated away from any potential contact with neighbors, friends, possessions and whatever else! It's just smart to keep that activity separated.
is it safe to have guests form / hipness/ 1000yen in hotel rooms (not love hotels)? How to save the identity. I do not want to reveal my identity. Is it possible? Are these safe from HIV? I am new comer to this forum, so please dont mind the ridiculous queries.