Hmm... not so sure about that at all.
Well, we discussed the whole social club thing at length in the Universe Club thread. Obviously there's is a market for sugar babies, and that's why Universe Club and many, many other social clubs exist. I was one of the few people that didn't see an issue with UC when everyone else was saying it was too expensive for a date.
Absolutely there are "attractive young women in Tokyo looking to hook up with successful men", for sure. But to married successful men? Just for regular shagging? Discreetly? Without any marriage prospects? Come on, if you believe that you are in dreamland.
I didn't say that. In the scenario where everyone is open and honest about their current situation, and they agree to what sort of thing they are looking for, sure, very few women are going to go home with a guy who is already married and just looking for a long-term fuck buddy. But to be blunt, married guys looking for something on the side aren't exactly the most honest when it comes to their sex lives. While there's certainly lots of guys that don't want to do the bar scene thing for a variety of reasons, that doesn't change the fact that there are available women for free, and that brings down the price for sugar babies considerably.
It also doesn't change the fact that escort services are pretty inexpensive here for guys that speak good enough Japanese. You can even probably call up an escort agency and
have naked fun time with a 21 year old Japanese former porn star for ¥35,000 for an hour. For longer-term expats, language really isn't a problem, and they aren't going to be tied to agencies that specifically target westerners.
My point is not that sugar daddy orgs can't succeed or guys should be going to get laid in bars. My point is that from a market perspective, if you are targeting wealthy expats that have been in Japan for a long time you better have something they want because there are many, many choices out there. I'm not sure what the situation with the DH girls are. They could be working for Western targeted agencies, like AM, or Western friendly ones or otherwise. They could have already tried UC and weren't getting enough dates, or weren't happy with the pricing -- since UC has been trying to make dates 'more affordable', that's going to come right out of the girl's bottom line. I don't know if they want to meet long term expats because they like Westerners, or because they think they can charge Westerners a higher rate.
My guess is it's likely one of the above. They've been used to charging an inflated hourly rate for a delivery health service catering to non-Japanese speaking Westerners, and are finding that people that are here longer term aren't looking to pay what they expect. I might be wrong. But if that's the case, the problem with their thinking is that Western-targeted agencies like AM can charge an inflated price because of the language barrier. Once that's gone, and guys that are here long-term almost always speak fairly decent Japanese, women can't continue to expect those rates.