Inviting Random Girls Into Week-end Trips


TAG Member
Nov 23, 2013
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I'm wondering : if I put an ad on some major japanese classifieds on which I'd state that I'm looking for a female travel buddy for a whole week-end and that I'd pay for all expenses such as train, restaurant, hotel (only one room). Do you think I'd get positive replies?

I'm fluent in Japanese btw.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Do other people post such things in major japanese classifieds?

You'd probably be better off initially advertising for an activity partner where you are hosting, and list travel as one of your primary interests. No woman is going to go away for a weekend with someone she just met.
VERY unlikely if you are only paying her expenses and, as meiji said, she has never met you before.

I have known pro-escorts to advertise whole weekend rates, but they are quite expensive (a big disruption to her life plus she has to be "on" for the whole time…not easy, not easy at all), but in most (nearly all I'd think) cases a pro would also want to check you out quite extensively before traveling with you as a first date.

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I've often thought about this as a possibility. Reading these replies has me thinking otherwise.
I doubt there are many takers too, but the only way to find out is to try. Nothing to lose except pixels on the screen.
I've often thought about this as a possibility. Reading these replies has me thinking otherwise.

Traveling with a p4p partner can be GREAT; I *highly* recommend it. My skepticism/misgivings is/are entirely due to the implication in the OP that he is imagining traveling with a woman who has never met him before.

I would add that even if she were we willing and appeared to be a great escort based on reviews, her website or whatever, I'd consider it quite risky to take a trip with someone he'd never met...risky in the sense of a fair chance of ending up with a disappointing experience. To enjoy spending such an extended period, including meals & sleeping etc, with someone requires more and real personal compatibility ("chemistry") than a brief (2 hours or whatever) conventional p4p date in a hotel room.

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Well, I've used dating sites for quite a long time in Japan and adventurous girls do exist.
I've often met girls with almost no previous mail exchange because meeting in person in the best way to find out if it can be workable.
Now, you'd be surprized to hear the following but most of the girls I met told me that a lot of guys ask them to go to a hotel at first encounter.

Also, personality plays a big role here. I mean, I'm the kind of guy who can get along pretty well with almost any woman during a whole day and longer without wanting to run away. Maybe I'm much more flexible than the average guy but I think this is something you must train for. If you put yourself in the right mindest, anything can become enjoyable. I want to believe that there are many girls who have a similar view. And you can stay safe as long as you use some common sense.
I'm wondering : if I put an ad on some major japanese classifieds on which I'd state that I'm looking for a female travel buddy for a whole week-end and that I'd pay for all expenses such as train, restaurant, hotel (only one room). Do you think I'd get positive replies?

I'm fluent in Japanese btw.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Contrary to some opinions here, I think it's a good idea to give a try. My opinion is it's very possible for you to do and that women will take you up on the offer, IF you create the right type of ad.

You can tweak your idea, so that you would first meet them publicly (like at a coffee shop) to see if they are suitable. This puts it in the context as if you are interviewing them and creates the vibe that winning is like a prize.

I disagree that a P4P woman is needed and that may not be what is wanted. A pro would be massively expensive for an entire weekend and a professional would spoil the fun and magic of authentic chemistry. Furthermore, many regular women would most likely love the opportunity for such an expense paid trip. You are already paying, in that context, so additional money isn't necessarily needed.
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Well, if you do decide to give it a try, and as Zap and Solong mention or imply there's nothing much to lose by trying, please report back and let us know whether you found takers and, if so, how your weekend trip went.

I'll give it a try (many tries) for sure, but not now since I still have a very ill girlfriend I have to take care of.
Maybe next year's summer.
So don't wait for my report if you're the impatient type :)
Personally I think the least you put in the least you get. so you can find a free girl but it could turn into hell

just saying