Japanese Women Vs. Chinese/korean/ Vietnamese Etc.


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Dec 2, 2012
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A friend of mine said he doesn't really get the large global interest in Asian women. I didn't really know what to tell him.

It got me to thinking, though. What are some key differences between different nationalities of Asian women, in terms of romantic expectations and culture?

This will inevitably involve generalizations, but I'm thinking this topic could be discussed on this forum without descending into perjoratives.

I have not enjoyed extensive experience with non- Japanese Asian women, myself.
It is an interesting question, but I don't have enough personal experience to comment. But, even at the level of gross generalizations, I think it would be a mistake to think culture and geography are all that well correlated. For example, my impression is that Chinese women are more like American women than they are like Japanese women in many important (for relationship) ways.

For me I didn't have a thing for Asian women. I had a long time girlfriend who was Korean American and she was amazing in just about every way imaginable. Very American girl, but looks of an beautiful Korean girl. Later I ended up in Japan. There are so few women here from other places so I ended up with Japanese girlfriends. Overall I found women in Japan to be lovely, feminine and quite open in some ways. But I also found massive drama, some very weird behaviour and challenges.

I have had one Thai girl in my life a little. She is lovely, strong willed, smart and not remotely interested in being taken care of by anyone other than herself. In this way kind of American I guess.

The one thing that is an absolute truth, is that every woman I know has had some of her culture's elements. But every single one has been very unique and not like anyone else.
Good question. Generally speaking, I think tko50 is right on the point. But please be careful if you are talking about Thai or Chinese girls loving abroad because that sample could be largely different from their country people. Anyway, my personal experience tells me that Japanese girls are internally strong willed and Chinese are kinds of passionate. Hope it gives you some idea.
based on what i have seen over the years.
Chinese: if they are big city folk, much like Americans, but with burning fire inside that never quits. If they are not born in the big city its nothing like Americans and more like kids at Disney.
Thai: super strong will, super independent (agree with previous comments), but can be flaming nut bags as well.
Philo: in the middle of a japanese and chinese, could go either way, but they have a seriously naughty side for good or for evil.
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interesting topic
I heard Japanese girl has a good sense on how to treat a man
e.g. if you had a meal together either
1. men would pay the meal then women would pay the next place they go to
2. split it half

u can say its kinda common sense but its hard to find that attitude these days
tell me if this is true i wanna know lol
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Scotty: American women are great. What I love most is how I can put my brain on autopilot since the cultural cues aren't foreign for me.
The most annoying thing about Japanese women is how they chat like champs on initial meetup, tell you they'd love to meet you again and then claim busy. Regardless of reason it's maddening. That's why I never feel bad about going for sex immediately with them; it seems like if you don't go for broke you lose out anyway. Either they decide they didn't like you that much or they only have one day off a month.

This has been my experience, and most foreign guys that I met in Japan, in dealing with Japanese too.

Many Japanese women are like actresses and can be very fake. Creating a false or fake image is encouraged culturally. And many Japanese appear to really get off on lying, deception, and tricks. It's a strong cultural issue, where many Japanese don't see lying and being fake as something despicable in the same way as Westerners do, but see it as being clever.

1) You can only be sure they like you by ACTION.

If you don't go for it, you can find yourself in an endless loop of friend-zone games or her suddenly disappearing.

2) Regular women (non-p4p) often justify your relationship after sex.

It's a weird psychological quirk of many women. That she had sex with you means the guy becomes RELEVANT. Prior to that, the guy can be just like a toy, of many toy boys she is teasing and playing games with.

After sex, there is usually no more or less games, because you have seen her naked and she has exposed her true self. You have been inside her, so now the tables have turned. Her acting fake or arrogant is hard to pull off and can make herself look foolish or feel bad.

After sex, many regular women (non-p4p) want to know if the guy thinks her body and sex has value in his mind. Often a woman's insecurity, ego, and pride has her chasing the guy a bit, as she doesn't want to be in the position where he will reject or discard her, after giving herself.
Scotty, sorry but for someone who is meant to be experienced in handling numerous girls in Japan, you sure don't sound like you know how to handle them.

I used to be like this when I first came to Tokyo. Now I get them and can quickly figure out when they are just being polite. Just like not having an obvious you've been blocked feature, Japanese girls tend to act this way. The only exception are those who are westernized but Im
Asian and don't date Japanese girls who date Caucasian foreigners (especially the cheap roppongi ones who think they are better because they date white guys ) - sorry not a race thing just a preference.

Now back to the original thread question, there is a lot of difference. But when you say Chinese, are you taking about mainland China or HK, Singapore, Malaysia?? There is a lot of difference with these already.
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Busy or Not Busy?

Use Time Bridging (called this in PUA lingo and apply the 3 strike rule or date within 2 weeks rule.

What I learned from experience is: 1) many women are attention whores 2) are toying with many guys as their twisted entertainment 3) their life is a mess and don't know how to schedule time or organize it.

Contrary to popular belief and outright lying, most Japanese women are NOT BUSY. They are just busy for you, the potential new guy. They simply do NOT want to make time for you, as they don't have enough interest or can't overcome their fears in starting a new relationship.

Life is too short for bullshit females (or people in general), playing games in e-mail or LINE.

So, I learned to filter who is REAL and who are obvious bullshiters pretty quickly.

1) Time Bridge (PUA lingo)

It's a simple concept where you clarify with the woman that you have just met, that you will meet again soon or agree on a date. You also start building excitement about that FUTURE meeting, location, or activity.

You do this BEFORE exchanging phone/e-mail/LINE.

I'm usually unspecific about the exact date, but get agreement on a range of days and that meeting later is possible. Flake females will start with the busy crap almost immediately. So guess what? I never ask them for their number or LINE ID.

First level of flakes are cut.

Litmus Test for Exiting Conversations

I suggeat EJECTING from any conversation with women that start flaking and shooting excessive excuses about future meetings. This can save you time in clubs, bars, and coffee shops.

NOT necessary to spend hours talking and buying drinks with women in clubs/bars as some guys do. A good 15 to 20 minute conversation is more than long enough for her to accept the possibility to see you again and exchange contacts, UNLESS you are trying to have sex with her that SAME night in which you met her. If you plan to meet her some OTHER day, a 15 to 20 minute conversation is fine.

2) After exchanging e-mail/LINE, I then lock down a specific date.

Example- Let's meet Tuesday or Friday, or can you suggest a possible day?

This is a RANGE of OPTIONS, that LEGIT women will choose from. She either agrees on the given days OR suggests a day.

Now at this point, the 2nd level of flakes and game players expose themselves, with "busy" and excuses. Often flakes and game players, especially Japanese ones, will try to ignore that you asked her to SUGGEST days.

So, you play along a bit to loosen things up, and then give them a new range of options the week after next (2 week limit).

Can you suggest some possible days the week after next (or between x and y dates)? So far, Friday or Sunday is possible, and maybe another day.

At this point, if you laid down a range of options and a woman has told you she is busy for the next 2 weeks, DONE. If you asked 3x to meet and she refused or gave a crappy excuse, DONE. CUT her off and move on.

3) It's a NUMBERS game. Talk to OTHER women.

Don't get obsessed chasing after 1 woman that turns down offers or acts flaky. If she isn't investing in you, don't invest in her.

4) Don't be the guy getting played for a fool as an orbiter (PUA lingo) of a female or a toy with NO benefits.

A lot guys don't realize that many women are interacting with 10, 20, and more guys. Dating websites, Facebook, Twitter, LINE, e-mail, etc... Lots of women will try to hide or play off what they are doing, because they pretend to be passive and "blame" guys for approaching or initializing contact.

Many women are swimming in options of men and secret meetings, and it's time for more men to wise up to the game.
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Good to see and I like information exchange.

Time Bridge Explained

What I do is not clearly defined in PUA, beyond the definition of the concept, so will be more specific.

Time Trapping

When you meet a woman and have the initial conversation, you ask about her schedule. Often intermixed with her hobbies and usual activities.

With Japanese women, time trapping is EXTREMELY important, because they tend to lead guys into circles of not being definite, VAGUE, or female style confusion about not knowing what they want to do.

Basically, you INDIRECTLY get her into telling you her schedule and availability.

A key point is you lead with your information first, then ask for hers. This does the following: A) Gets her into following the direction you are going. B) Most women feel compelled to respond, as you have given your information. C) She is unwittingly synchronizing her schedule with you.

1. You look young/professional (input anything from the impression she gives). Are you a college student/office worker?/What type of job do you do?

After her answer, you switch to taking the lead.

2. I do X type of work and usually finish my job around Y time. What time do you usually finish work?

3. I'm usually off on the weekends. Are you off on the weekends too?

If she is not... Oh, so what is your schedule like and what days are you off?

4. "On my days off, I usually explore new locations around Tokyo that is suggested to me by my friends."

"There is this restaurant/club/area that we might should try/meet at. "

Time Bridge

"Wouldn't that be great for us to try? I can see us/imagine us having a great time at X."

You implant the idea of you and her meeting at some future time. You get her to talk about and/or visualize/imagine this future meeting.

You NOW exchange contacts information with her. Women who are time bridged are MUCH more likely to meet you in the future.

Time Trapping in E-mail/LINE

You would then try to synchronize your meeting schedule, giving optional days and choices is best.

Also your choice of days is BASED on what SHE told you previously.

This Wednesday or Saturday are possible days, or can you suggest a day?

The key here, is the wide net, represented by the range of options and choices. To avoid all the options given, the Japanese woman must reveal herself as being a flake or a fake.

First get her to agree on a day. Afterwards, location and time.

Ok, Wednesday would be great. Let's meet at X time, at Y location.


Generally, from experience, the more excited and interested that a woman is about you then the SOONER she will want to meet. A woman wanting to meet you the next day or a few days later will more likely get romantic with you than one who will meet you almost 2 weeks later.
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Good to see and I like information exchange.

Time Bridge Explained

What I do is not clearly defined in PUA, beyond the definition of the concept, so will be more specific.

Time Trapping

When you meet a woman and have the initial conversation, you ask about her schedule. Often intermixed with her hobbies and usual activities.

With Japanese women, time trapping is EXTREMELY important, because they tend to lead guys into circles of not being definite, VAGUE, or female style confusion about not knowing what they want to do.

Basically, you INDIRECTLY get her into telling you her schedule and availability.

A key point is you lead with your information first, then ask for hers. This does the following: A) Gets her into following the direction you are going. B) Most women feel compelled to respond, as you have given your information. C) She is unwittingly synchronizing her schedule with you.

1. You look young/professional (input anything from the impression she gives). Are you a college student/office worker?

After her answer, you switch to taking the lead.

2. I do X and usually finish around Y time. What time do you usually finish work?

3. I'm usually off on the weekends. Are you off on the weekends too?

If she is not... Oh, so what is your schedule like and what days are you off?

4. On my days off, I usually explore new locations around Tokyo that is suggested to me by my friends.

There is this restaurant/club/area that we should try/meet at.

Time Bridge

Wouldn't that be great for us to try? I can see us/imagine us having a great time at X.

You implant the idea of you and her meeting at some future time. You get her to talk about and/or visualize/imagine this future meeting.

You NOW exchange contacts information with her. Women who are time bridged are MUCH more likely to meet you in the future.

Time Trapping in E-mail/LINE

You would then try to synchronize your meeting schedule, giving optional days and choices is best.

Also your choice of days is BASED on what SHE told you previously.

This Wednesday or Saturday are possible days, or can you suggest a day?

The key here, is the wide net, represented by the range of options and choices. To avoid all the options given, the Japanese woman must reveal herself as being a flake or a fake.

First get her to agree on a day. Afterwards, location and time.

Ok, Wednesday would be great. Let's meet at X time, at Y location.

Pussy is for closers... Solong, I'm guessing that I may know what area you work in... This man needs his own area on this site!
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Busy or Not Busy?

Use Time Bridging (called this in PUA lingo and apply the 3 strike rule or date within 2 weeks rule.

What I learned from experience is: 1) many women are attention whores 2) are toying with many guys as their twisted entertainment 3) their life is a mess and don't know how to schedule time or organize it.

Contrary to popular belief and outright lying, most Japanese women are NOT BUSY. They are just busy for you, the potential new guy. They simply do NOT want to make time for you, as they don't have enough interest or can't overcome their fears in starting a new relationship.

Life is too short for bullshit females (or people in general), playing games in e-mail or LINE.

So, I learned to filter who is REAL and who are obvious bullshiters pretty quickly.

1) Time Bridge (PUA lingo)

It's a simple concept where you clarify with the woman that you have just met, that you will meet again soon or agree on a date. You also start building excitement about that FUTURE meeting, location, or activity.

You do this BEFORE exchanging phone/e-mail/LINE.

I'm usually unspecific about the exact date, but get agreement on a range of days and that meeting later is possible. Flake females will start with the busy crap almost immediately. So guess what? I never ask them for their number or LINE ID.

First level of flakes are cut.

Litmus Test for Exiting Conversations

I suggeat EJECTING from any conversation with women that start flaking and shooting excessive excuses about future meetings. This can save you time in clubs, bars, and coffee shops.

NOT necessary to spend hours talking and buying drinks with women in clubs/bars as some guys do. A good 15 to 20 minute conversation is more than long enough for her to accept the possibility to see you again and exchange contacts, UNLESS you are trying to have sex with her that SAME night in which you met her. If you plan to meet her some OTHER day, a 15 to 20 minute conversation is fine.

2) After exchanging e-mail/LINE, I then lock down a specific date.

Example- Let's meet Tuesday or Friday, or can you suggest a possible day?

This is a RANGE of OPTIONS, that LEGIT women will choose from. She either agrees on the given days OR suggests a day.

Now at this point, the 2nd level of flakes and game players expose themselves, with "busy" and excuses. Often flakes and game players, especially Japanese ones, will try to ignore that you asked her to SUGGEST days.

So, you play along a bit to loosen things up, and then give them a new range of options the week after next (2 week limit).

Can you suggest some possible days the week after next (or between x and y dates)? So far, Friday or Sunday is possible, and maybe another day.

At this point, if you laid down a range of options and a woman has told you she is busy for the next 2 weeks, DONE. If you asked 3x to meet and she refused or gave a crappy excuse, DONE. CUT her off and move on.

3) It's a NUMBERS game. Talk to OTHER women.

Don't get obsessed chasing after 1 woman that turns down offers or acts flaky. If she isn't investing in you, don't invest in her.

4) Don't be the guy getting played for a fool as an orbiter (PUA lingo) of a female or a toy with NO benefits.

A lot guys don't realize that many women are interacting with 10, 20, and more guys. Dating websites, Facebook, Twitter, LINE, e-mail, etc... Lots of women will try to hide or play off what they are doing, because they pretend to be passive and "blame" guys for approaching or initializing contact.

Many women are swimming in options of men and secret meetings, and it's time for more men to wise up to the game.

What about white-knighting? I ask because there are types around here, especially among some younger guys (18,19, 20), who will rush to a female's defense no matter what. Japanese guys seem less eager to be made suckers, but with a foreigner being the approaching male that might make issues worse.

It really irritates me and throws me off, due to how venomous I get. I have ended the conversation after it became clear there was little hope, but the woman was angry because she felt entitled to my sympathetic listening and ego-boosting. And I always feel bad after dealing with the white knights some 5s-7s seem to want to throw at you just for leaving or not kissing. I hate the look on a young man's face when he realizes he's in danger due to bring played like that.
Scotty, sorry but for someone who is meant to be experienced in handling numerous girls in Japan....,

....,The only exception are those who are westernized but Im
Asian and don't date Japanese girls who date Caucasian foreigners (especially the cheap roppongi ones who think they are better because they date white guys ) - sorry not a race thing just a preference.
Scotty is balling fairly hard right now. Just throwing that out there. I know little about a Japanese women despite slight experience, but surely he's slaying it, given what I've seen.

Also- I'm intrigued by your preference. Obviously it's not something you have to share but since you mentioned it, why do you have that policy? A good friend of mine did as well, who was Vietnamese-American. His argument was that there were so many submissive American guys that it spoiled the attitudes of the women who dated them. Though I know that Asia is often used as an escape plan for some guys in N. America, I was skeptical that they could have that kind of effect on Anglicizing women. Hearing your statement has me thinking otherwise, even it's hard to believe that western betas could render native women that insufferable.
What's the issue?
Are we really going to do this again?

Okay, cutting this short: here's one of many articles about it.