Kichijoji Restaurant Suggestions For A (sugar) Date, Please


Kids, don't try this at home!
Nov 17, 2010
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I'm planning a sugar date in Kichijoji. If anyone can suggest a restaurant there, within easy walking distance of the station ideally, I'd much appreciate it. The ideal place would have good food (duh!) and a pleasant atmosphere that is conducive to a reasonably private conversation...with the cost of dinner not likely to go too far north of, say, ichi ma'en per person. Thanks in advance!

Never have eaten around there. I've maybe stopped there on business maybe twice in the last 5 years. It's on the opposite of Tokyo from where I live, don't usually venture past Shinjuku.

Sorry. :(
No worries...but thanks for the reply. Google is all knowing, and with its help I found a place about which the young lady in question is enthusiastic.

But fwiiw, Kichijoji (often called just "Joji" by its denizens and fans) is a pretty interesting/worthwhile neighborhood, well worth least by the standards of the vast semi-civilized and little known lands beyond the Yamanote Sen. To name just one feature, any yakitori lover should not miss the bevy of place along "Harmonica Alley" which feature it on their menus.

No worries...but thanks for the reply. Google is all knowing, and with its help I found a place about which the young lady in question is enthusiastic.

But fwiiw, Kichijoji (often called just "Joji" by its denizens and fans) is a pretty interesting/worthwhile neighborhood, well worth least by the standards of the vast semi-civilized and little known lands beyond the Yamanote Sen. To name just one feature, any yakitori lover should not miss the bevy of place along "Harmonica Alley" which feature it on their menus.


Thanks for the information, I'll have to make my way over there to try some of the local spots. Hope your dinner went well. :)