Service and/or Provider's Name:
Mei Akagi
Date of Encounter:
March 2019
Contact Method:
Introductions via website (, everything else via mobile chat apps
Appointment Length & Costs:
6 hours/ ¥200,000 + ¥8000 love hotel + restaurant (I think ¥2000, not sure)
Love hotel in Shinjuku
Language Notes:
Details of the Encounter:
I've been a member on these forums for some time now, but I usually prefer to stay a lurker so this is actually my first post. I've decided to make an exception for Mei because I think she deserves more recognition. It surprised me to see how few reviews there are of her compared to other providers.
We've had multiple meetings over the last two years, the most recent being last month. I will not give a detailed description of every encounter in this review, but rather give a summary of the important points.
I've never met a Japanese as proficient in English as Mei. I remember how impressed I was at her fluent pronounciation when I first met her in 2017, and I feel like she has improved even more since then. I don't know the limits of her vocabulary since I haven't tried discussing any technically advanced topics, but it's more than enough to hold an everyday conversation.
Mei is slender and very fit, to the point that she is one of the rare cases where Photoshop isn't needed to make her look like a model. Her face doesn't look like a "typical" Japanese's, which was evident when a waitress complimented Mei for her good Japanese speaking ability, probably thinking she was a foreigner. That's not to say she is unattractive however, because she certainly isn't. She periodically switches between short and long hair, and I personally think both styles suit her.
The biggest selling point of Mei is in my opinon her personality. She is very casual, in a good way. I've met other providers that, while not rude or unsocial, have been a bit high-strung. In comparison, Mei's easygoing nature makes her seem confident and relaxed, which in turn makes oneself able to throw away all worries. She's talkative and playful which quickly make her seem like a friend you've known for a long time. After our first meeting she guided me back to the train station, a sign of her kindness.
Every time has been the same: meet at a restaurant, go around shopping for a while afterwards, and then finally go to a hotel. I've always asked Mei to give tips on good places and to handle reservations, and she's been very helpful in that regard. She haven't had any objections to playing the GFE part when walking around in public, actually taking the initiative to hold hands and such. I'm not going to disclose much about what goes on at the love hotels, but I can say that she likes kissing and cuddling. She's seldom passive, and I sometimes think she's actually the one who enjoys bed play the most.
Review Independence: Was this review requested by the provider?:
No, this review was written without a request.
Final Thoughts:
Recommended, Will Repeat.
Closing Comments:
Mei may have a bit higher rates than others, but I think she is worth it. You will be hard pressed to find someone else with her combination of topnotch communication skills, personality and looks.
Mei Akagi
Date of Encounter:
March 2019
Contact Method:
Introductions via website (, everything else via mobile chat apps
Appointment Length & Costs:
6 hours/ ¥200,000 + ¥8000 love hotel + restaurant (I think ¥2000, not sure)
Love hotel in Shinjuku
Language Notes:
Details of the Encounter:
I've been a member on these forums for some time now, but I usually prefer to stay a lurker so this is actually my first post. I've decided to make an exception for Mei because I think she deserves more recognition. It surprised me to see how few reviews there are of her compared to other providers.
We've had multiple meetings over the last two years, the most recent being last month. I will not give a detailed description of every encounter in this review, but rather give a summary of the important points.
I've never met a Japanese as proficient in English as Mei. I remember how impressed I was at her fluent pronounciation when I first met her in 2017, and I feel like she has improved even more since then. I don't know the limits of her vocabulary since I haven't tried discussing any technically advanced topics, but it's more than enough to hold an everyday conversation.
Mei is slender and very fit, to the point that she is one of the rare cases where Photoshop isn't needed to make her look like a model. Her face doesn't look like a "typical" Japanese's, which was evident when a waitress complimented Mei for her good Japanese speaking ability, probably thinking she was a foreigner. That's not to say she is unattractive however, because she certainly isn't. She periodically switches between short and long hair, and I personally think both styles suit her.
The biggest selling point of Mei is in my opinon her personality. She is very casual, in a good way. I've met other providers that, while not rude or unsocial, have been a bit high-strung. In comparison, Mei's easygoing nature makes her seem confident and relaxed, which in turn makes oneself able to throw away all worries. She's talkative and playful which quickly make her seem like a friend you've known for a long time. After our first meeting she guided me back to the train station, a sign of her kindness.
Every time has been the same: meet at a restaurant, go around shopping for a while afterwards, and then finally go to a hotel. I've always asked Mei to give tips on good places and to handle reservations, and she's been very helpful in that regard. She haven't had any objections to playing the GFE part when walking around in public, actually taking the initiative to hold hands and such. I'm not going to disclose much about what goes on at the love hotels, but I can say that she likes kissing and cuddling. She's seldom passive, and I sometimes think she's actually the one who enjoys bed play the most.
Review Independence: Was this review requested by the provider?:
No, this review was written without a request.
Final Thoughts:
Recommended, Will Repeat.
Closing Comments:
Mei may have a bit higher rates than others, but I think she is worth it. You will be hard pressed to find someone else with her combination of topnotch communication skills, personality and looks.