Minami - Hipness


TAG Member
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Date/Time: Last week

Provider: Minami of Hipness

Contact Info: Homepage: hipness.jp


I went to Uguisudani Station (Yamanote Line). I called Hipness before that to tell them which hotel I was intending to use.
The Asian P Door LH is near the station.

What kind of service is it? Delivery Health

We went to Asian P Door. The rooms are always pretty nice and it is reasonable.. I think I paid 3800 for three hours. I think I got a good deal as it was early afternoon on a weekday, so not much demand.

Language Specifics: Spoke Japanese on the phone and with her. She only speaks a bit of English but wants to learn.

Session Length/Fee: 80 minutes - 13,000 to Hipness and about 3800 for three hours of the LH.

Physical description: What did the girl look like? She has a great figure! I give her 8 or 9 out of ten for her figure. Huge breasts and curves and not fat at all. She is pretty. Her charm point is her figure. She is blessed that way. She is between 24-29. She looks and seems young.

Did she look like her pictures? Yes

Details: Got everything you could want. Only caveat, is that when I said OK let`s take a break as I was tired, I thought we would cuddle a bit, but then she is on her cell phone Emailing. Whereas another lady at Hipness would be cuddling with me. Erika too. So that part was a bit disappointing. Then she asked me to give her a massage. I don`t mind that as much but the cell phone bit made me not want to repeat. She is a nice lady, but I think she should keep the cell phone in her purse and not bring it out during the session, even if the client says let`s take a break.

Recommendation: No because of the cell phone. Had she not done that, and cuddled with me or kissed me during the break, I would recommend her, because she is a nice lady with an amazing figure. She has had a child, but you would never know it.
She did the same thing with me, even asking me for help searching for a product on her smartphone to on Rakuten. (I can speak Thai and Japanese).

She is nice but I thought the bad fake tits were ridiculous and very unsexy.
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Reactions: User#3673
I met with Minami the other day and was fairly pleased with the experience. Please note that she recently cut her hair very short and looks very cute if you're into that (which I am). As stated above, she doesn't cuddle much and no kissing, so she is a little business like, but she is a sweet gal in her conversation and cheery attitude. One other thing though is she's not really built for large packages and if you are a bit "beaucoup" then you might have to go slow and easy (which you are probably already used to with most ladies over here - which is a whole other topic). Anyway, I enjoyed her and would recommend her if you get the chance.