AM Nana-New at AM


TAG Member
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
There's a new girl listed at AM today. Nana...

I'm confused though: Her name is listed as Nana but in the note text it's "Ryo". Which is it?

AM Site said:
Dont need the baggage that comes along with the younger girls? Looking more for someone who is more likely to know what you want, and knows how to to do it just right? Ryo is the girl for you. In excellent shape with smoldering eyes, Ryo provides an excellent date for those whose tastes run towards a more mature woman.

Yeah, we can tell she's a bit older. Maybe a good thing given the recent experiences with the younger ladies.

Identity crisis a-go-go! :rolleyes:
Wow,i like this new one,a bit of experience never is bad in this bussiness ;)
Who will be the first with Nana or Ryo... or, whatever her made up name is for your date? :confused:

She looks good. I'm very tempted. :D

But, take a closer look at some of the photos. What are those off-color spots on her chest? Scars? I wonder if she's been abused by a former boyfriend or work place. :eek:
Who will be the first with Nana or Ryo... or, whatever her made up name is for your date? :confused:

She looks good. I'm very tempted. :D

But, take a closer look at some of the photos. What are those off-color spots on her chest? Scars? I wonder if she's been abused by a former boyfriend or work place. :eek:
Those off-color spots are not a result of abuse, but a skin condition. BTW, for her age she has a hot body.
Age isn't such a big deal, especially among many Asians. I'm 32 but I look exactly as I did when I was 22. None of the girls I met in Japan could believe I was over 25. :)

That being said, I think Nanaryo looks pretty good for 37. There are a couple of 37 year olds over at Nasty Dolls too. My experience has been that most sites fudge the ages just a little (or aren't updated much), so she could very well be 40.

But at the end of the day, the only important questions are: Do you find her attractive? How good is she at pleasing a man? :D
lol... Nanaryo. AM seems to have fixed that minor oversight.

Another new girl was added yesterday too... Misato (26). For me, the Jury is still out on that one.