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Options For Gaijin?


TAG Member
Jul 9, 2014
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Have been doing some significant forum research into Tokyo P4P options for the non Japanese speaking Gaijin (European appearance) and the same places seem to be cropping up consistantly.

Am I correct in thinking choice is limited pretty much to the following main players who appear through recent anecdotal evidence to offer services to Gaijin?*

Kings Club
Darling Harbour
RAKU Gotanda (Korean Scrub)

Pink Salon

Jan Jan
Hino Maru
Dio Gotanda

Hands on Strip Club
New Hot Point (seems to be some variance in whether they serve non-Japanese speakers, any recent feedback would be great)

Asian Mystique
Happy Berry
Nasty Dolls
Betty Blue
Milky Baby

Erotic Massage (not FS)
Shinjuku Erotic Escort Massage Club and sister sites
Tokyo Style

*This list is no way exhaustive and I am sure there are literally hundreds more but 95% of the time I see the these mentioned.

Any thoughts, comments or additions would be welcome.


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You've summed it up well, more is out there. Also RAKU Gotanda is Korean scrub with FS.
@bichan2 Thanks, I will remove New Hot Point as it now seems you need at least some Japanese. Will add RAKU Gotanda
Dio - a pink salon in Gotanda has been a gaijin staple for a few years.
New Hot Point is a strip joint which offers a quick bj / covered hj for a few thousand extra. It is not a pink salon.

Good luck compiling your list.
When I was in the waiting room at Happy Berry a few months back, I heard them turn away some non-Japanese-speaking gaijin due to lack of language skills. It was during a busy time, however, so YMMV.
I hear disputed stories about Japanese language ability at Happy Berry but I know it is a given at 5a heads/grimpeur that you do need language ability but at a basic level. But I do have friends who don't understand Japanese and they got in.
Am I correct in thinking choice is limited pretty much to the following main players who seem to offer GUARANTEED services to Gaijin?*

I think it's great to compile a list of foreigner semi-friendly places, but I think making a list of places where service is "guaranteed" (in capital letters, no less) might create iron-clad expectations for Westerners in a country where subtlety and grey areas are a way of life, and in a sex industry where that way of life is even more so.

TAG has an existing list for foreigner-friendly services. I would say that those are the ones that are (in capital letters) guaranteed to service westerners. Other places will be heavily dependent on the girl, on the booking agent, how much Japanese you speak, etc. We've done what we can to improve intel for people doing research in Tokyo, including asking people to include language level on reviews they post, etc. I think we've been pretty successful at that. If you have any other suggestions/requests, please let me know.

My concern here is not just setting wrong expectations for people, it's that setting these expectations can cause foreigner-friendliness to not be so friendly. I think New Hot Point's more recent unwillingness to service foreigners is in large part due to the stellar reviews they got here, which lead a lot of guys who have no language ability or understanding of the rules there to visit their store. Johnnyboy84 posted a warning just this week about some foreigner that was openly asking the people at Pururungang questions about illegal activities.

One thing to keep in mind is that while we are a close-knit community, for every member there's a ton of anonymous viewers of the content here (right now there's 8 guys logged in and 108 guests). Even if we are providing accurate information to people, it's not difficult to envision a really positive review of an agency leading to a few guys that don't have the language ability or don't know how to behave. Note that several of the "guaranteed" agencies you have listed above either require good Japanese, or are very difficult to book without Japanese.

It's my personal opinion, but aside from the verified provider list that we have (and perhaps a few of the other orgs that have websites in English and have English-speaking tenchos), I would say there's no other places that provide guaranteed services to foreigners. Japan is a YMMV country, and that's not going to change any time soon.
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@meiji I totally understand your point and I don't wish to hijack your site so I will cease this thread. The reason I started to compile this list is largely in part due to frustrations I experienced in Seoul recently where pretty much everywhere I thought I could get some action turned into a disappointment.

I do understand this industry is organic and constantly evolving however and your right, trying to pin it down isn't going to work out.

I will continue to read the board and contribute where appropriate.

@meiji I totally understand your point and I don't wish to hijack your site so I will cease this thread. The reason I started to compile this list is largely in part due to frustrations I experienced in Seoul recently where pretty much everywhere I thought I could get some action turned into a disappointment.

It's not a matter of hijacking the site or ceasing the thread. I'm definitely not trying to shut down conversation here. I'm just saying that proper expectations need to be set. I personally think it's difficult to set those expectations because the Japanese (and Korean, from what I've read) P4P market isn't as straightforward as some of the other major Asian markets (Thailand, Singapore, etc). I think a clearinghouse of recent intel is not a bad idea, though. I'd probably remove the word "GUARANTEED" from it. :)