Places Good For Hookup In Kyoto?


TAG Member
Jan 5, 2014
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I hope this is not too off topic as it is about Kyoto.
Does anybody know good places to hookup/meet girls for foreigners in Kyoto? Clubs or bars, I mean.

Once there was Sam & Dave's where I also got lucky a couple times, but after it was closed I couldn't find any place like it the following times I were in Kyoto.
Is the Pig & Whistle still in business? I had some luck there back in the mid-90's.

Yes it is still in business. Any other reccomendation?

(Sam & Dave was great. I heard it also closed it's Osaka-Umeda branch)
All my Kyoto info is waaaay out of date (well more than a decade), but a club called Step used to be OK to good. And there was a totally sketchy place/bar called Backgammon (I think…don't 100% trust my memory on that one); it has/had a VERY dark loft (2nd-level) accessible only by a ladder…no stairs, as I recall.

If the P&W is still as layed-back and friendly as it used to be, I'd suggest going there, chatting up some local, buying him or her a drink and asking what he/she thinks the best pick-up place is now.

Wvanderer: thanks! That's a good idea. Also thanks for the other suggestions...

But Same & Dave was great for the ratio of men to women, for the music, for the great mix of japanese and foreigners. It has closed at the end of 2011, I can't believe no place filled the void!!! Anyone up to date with Kyoto?
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I hope this is not too off topic as it is about Kyoto.
Does anybody know good places to hookup/meet girls for foreigners in Kyoto? Clubs or bars, I mean.

Once there was Sam & Dave's where I also got lucky a couple times, but after it was closed I couldn't find any place like it the following times I were in Kyoto.

you can go to "Feria" Feria is one of Roppongi's premier party spots, with everything good and bad that this entails (although the no shorts/sandals dress code seems to keep some of the riff-raff out).

Also, "Gas Panic" is a good choice too, Gas Panic is a Roppongi institution, where young people go to grope other young people. The chart classics and Eurobeat play at such high volume that your mating ritual needs to be physical rather than verbal. To give an idea of what it's like, note that you must have a drink in your hand at all times, and drinking water is not in evidence. Every drink costs ¥400 at happy hour (6-9.30pm daily) and all night on Thursday.
you can go to "Feria" Feria is one of Roppongi's premier party spots, with everything good and bad that this entails (although the no shorts/sandals dress code seems to keep some of the riff-raff out).

Also, "Gas Panic" is a good choice too, Gas Panic is a Roppongi institution, where young people go to grope other young people. The chart classics and Eurobeat play at such high volume that your mating ritual needs to be physical rather than verbal. To give an idea of what it's like, note that you must have a drink in your hand at all times, and drinking water is not in evidence. Every drink costs ¥400 at happy hour (6-9.30pm daily) and all night on Thursday.

Is Roppongi in Kyoto? I forget...
:banghead: :smuggrin:

The world is in great need of a sarcasm emoti!

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The main gaijin pickup bar in Kyoto is the Hub (pub) located just southeast of Sanjo-Kawaramachi. This is the main place in Kyoto that Japanese girls seeking foreign guys go, and I have picked up there many times. I hear that the aforementioned Pig & Whistle was quite good for this in the past, but nowadays it has a slighter older crowd and is more of a standard British pub rather than a pickup joint. Just South of the Hub on Kiyamachi street is a bar called Zaza Pub. Zaza is also a pickup place and it attracts a very young and kind of sleazy crowd (perhaps similar to Gas Panic in Roppongi.)

As far as clubs, nothing has truly replaced Sam & Dave's. Your best bet is club Butterfly (also a bit southeast of Sanjo-Kawaramachi). Butterfly is perhaps half in between a true gaijin pickup club like Sam & Dave's and a Japanese-oriented club like World (where guys and girls kind of stick to their own groups and just kind of bob their heads rather than really dance.) After the recent club crackdowns, I believe Butterfly closes at 1:30am, but nevertheless it is packed with cute j-girls and plays hit dance music, so it is worth checking out.

Best of luck!
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Sounds like good info, Nitr0. Thanks! It appears I will get to spend some time in Kyoto this summer (sweat city...ugh!) for the first time in years, so it might come in handy. Though I'm inclined to bring a date with me from Tokyo.

I don't know about Kyoto, but I question HUB (any HUB) as a pickup spot in the last 2 years.

I'm talking from experience as a guy who used to pickup regularly at HUBs in Tokyo a few years ago. It was almost as reliable for me as a Mcdonalds drive-thru (in the 50% of the time score range for a few years). But then Japanese guys started to flood many of the popular HUBs, and there will be situations now, where it looks like GAY night with so many more guys than women or lots of foreign guys looking lonely as hell. Many of the women at the HUBs that I know of are extremely defensive and overly paranoid towards any guys (Japanese or foreign) approaching them.

The word I get is that HUB has received a lot of negative publicity as a pickup spot by anti-foreigner Japanese groups. It looks to be another situation where people are referring to a place that was good 5 years ago, but not presently. Foreign guys should remember that various groups will dish out a lot of jealous hate if they see foreign men doing well at a place. Good spots CHANGE over time.
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