New member here. First: Thank you, thank you, thank you for this terrific resource.
Second, my review of Raku Gotanda, fwiw.
Where this is the first time I've ever done something like this, I had some nervous energy, so I took a long walk to get there. I took the train back though, and I'm pretty sure exit 3 puts you closest to where you want to be. As previously described, as you're facing Toko Hotel, go left to the coffee place, then around the corner. I actually thought it was somewhere in one of the streets behind the hotel and wandered around back there looking for it, when actually the street it's on is right next to the river. The blue sign was out, it was easy to find, an easy walk up to the 3rd floor (or take the elevator).
I speak a little Japanese, and what little I speak I speak badly, but I did call about an hour and a half ahead of time and was told to come out with no problem. I targeted about 5pm. This was on a weekend day. As mentioned, I walked there - a long walk - and when I finally found it, I walked up the two flights, and was greeted by an older woman who brought me into a little waiting area. I paid, and then I was directed back to a corner room, where I was met by a lovely young woman (I found out as I was leaving this was Eri).
The experience was as described - a shower performed by Eri, tooth brushing, a massage, then after 10 minutes of massaging, she excused herself, took a shower herself, came back wearing a towel which she shed pretty much immediately. I thought she was really quite beautiful, though I don't care for fake boobs, which hers appeared to be. In some ways, the sex was perfunctory, scripted maybe, but it's been so long for me that I didn't care. She did allow me to go down on her, though she stopped me before too long (I have a beard and I think that was uncomfortable for her).
She was funny - a bit of good natured teasing, it seemed like. I think she tried to give me a positive experience, and joked quite a bit with me, which after a while I started to sort-of figure out and respond to. I'm a little bit heavy, so she was teasing me about my belly, wondering if I knew if it was a boy or girl. She also seemed fascinated by my chest hair.
After CFS, another shower, more massage - if I would have been able to, I was under the impression she would have tried for one more. I, sad to say, was not up to the task. She did keep grabbing my crotch and asked "ire masu?", so ... who knows?
I did notice she was keeping pretty careful track of the time. She offered tea at the end, I declined. She gave me a hug and escorted me to the door. And that was that. I noticed too that it was starting to pick up. When we went into the shower after the CFS, there was a shower curtain pulled around the table in there, which had another customer in it. At various points, I'd also heard both the sound of another customer having his experience next door ... a cell phone vibrating ... and a laundry machine. Eri joked about that too.
In all, I would go again. I might try the shorter course rather than the 65 minute one next time, though. Or maybe some Viagra would help.
Also, it's definitely a place where people smoke from time to time. It's not that uber-smoky atmosphere, but people definitely smoke in there. You can smell it on the towels and around the rooms (I used to be a smoker and I can tell). That said, it seemed pretty clean, pretty organized, and pretty well-run. As I said, I would definitely go again, and in fact may before too long.
Thanks to all who recommended it, and for the reviews.