AM Review: Aki of AM


TAG Member
Jul 29, 2011
Reaction score
This was my second try with Aki, and the short story is that this wasn't a lot different from the first. Aki is a sweet girl, but in my experience, she is very passive, quite willing to let you have your way with her, but not inclined to take the lead.

In fairness, I should say a few things about myself. We review the girls, but every story has two sides to it. Who reviews us? For my part, despite my enthusiasm for my new hobby :) I am shy, and not very good about just coming right out and saying what I want. That's going to change, but I never told Aki that I wanted her to do something differently. So it's only fair to say that she may have behaved differently if I had.

In terms of appearance, I'd guess I am average by western standards, though I am in very good physical condition, and I take care to have good hygiene. In terms of size, I fall right at the middle of the bell curve -- average by western standards -- though a few Asian girls have called it okii. I guess it's all relative.

The other thing I should say is that it's really important to me to provide - to give as good as I get, as mawjav says - as I see the experience as essentially two way. If a girl tells me to lay back and just let her do the work, that is actually a turn-off for me. A big component of my pleasure is in providing for her. And her faking is not a turn-on either. On the contrary, it really puts me off. Neither of these were issues with Aki, but they do bear mentioning to give a fair picture of me.

On to some details: Aki arrived on time, wearing a casual (but completely presentable) dress and tall heels. When we arrived at the room, she stopped in the bathroom to wash her hands and rinse her mouth. We had a (non-alcoholic) drink and chatted a bit before some light kissing followed by a shower. No FP int the shower, Aki seems to just want to clean up and move on. Teeth brushed, and on to the bed.

Again, we started with those amazing kisses. In my experience, Aki is unrivaled when it comes to kissing -- never before, and maybe never again. She is the bomb. If you are way into that part of the experience (and I definitely am), Aki may just be your girl.

We again spent lots of time on DATY and manually working her, but once again, I was not able (as far as I could tell) to get her to the top. I spent a *lot* of time trying, but no go. And again, I was not in a hurry to pop, so I was content to spend over 2 hours immersed in those luscious kisses, DATY, etc., before finally giving in. But this time we made it happen :)

Unfortunately, I can't comment on her reportedly prodigious oral skills. Though I positioned myself favorably again and again, she did not avail herself of the opportunity. Stupidly, I was too shy to just ask -- that's not a mistake I will repeat again -- but sadly, I can't provide any collaboration for previous reports.

I booked a long (4 hours!) session, as I wanted plenty of time to recover and get to round 2, so we cuddled a bit after the first pop. After 30 or so minutes of that, I noticed a definite resurgence in my south park area, so I started to turn up the intensity a bit, but I was really disappointed to find that Aki was falling asleep (!)

Yup. About 3 hours into a 4 hour session, around midnight, Aki went to sleep on me. I spent a little time kissing, touching, trying to gently persuade her to return to the business at hand, but not being one to force myself on another, I eventually gave up. SO disappointing. As an aside, I complained to AM, and Dave was very fair in handling this. Kudos to AM for the professional approach to such matters.

So, to summarize: After two sessions, I like Aki, I think she's very sweet and probably the best kisser I've ever encountered, but something significant went wrong both times. Maybe it's part my problem, and maybe not - YMMV.