Review Kitty


Kids, don't try this at home!
Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
Short Form Version: Awesome!

Long Form Version: Totally waaaaay awesome!!

I saw Kitty a second time last night and want to apologize to her publicly here for so badly underrating her above in my OP. She is A LOT, A WHOLE LOT, better than I indicated after our first date. Please accept my apology, Kitty! :D

On a 1-to-10 scale, she scored 17.4...and it would probably have been 17.8 had it not been for the obviously biased Russian judge.

She was so much on my mind this morning that I flubbed up my routine commute to work twice...missed getting off at my stop and had to reverse at the next one and then went out the wrong side of the station when I finally got there. Seriously, no kidding.

Meiji, before you start moving this post around or starting a new thread, please note that this is not my review. I plan to write one, first one in years and years, but I won't get to it for a couple of weeks because I won't have time until then to give it the effort it deserves. I'll put it in its own thread. Until then, think of this a a place holder, please.

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Reactions: TheDutchElm
Meiji, before you start moving this post around or starting a new thread, please note that this is not my review. I plan to write one, first one in years and years, but I won't get to it for a couple of weeks because I won't have time until then to give it the effort it deserves. I'll put it in its own thread. Until then, think of this a a place holder, please.


No worries. If you could, just edit your original post in this thread with the review. Thanks.

Sounds like she's a fun time. :)