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Shin-yokohama Websites From Dl-city.net


TAG Member
Sep 9, 2012
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so i saw http://dl-city.net/keyword/genre_kanagawa_gaijinok.html

and i started clicking around and found a bunch of websites for shin-yokohama and yokohama area

ecorts maybe?

massage maybe?

options maybe?

does anybody know if these are just massage or cbj or cfs type places? are any of these places good for non-japanese speakers? thank you

i forgot to say thank you to meji who gave me this link

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First of all, escorts and Deri-Heru(delivery health) is not the same. You can't do penetration in DH.

These are all DH.

Yes, this is about massage.

DH specializing in office costume.

I found a delivery massage establishment with an English website.

Here's a list of blow-job clubs in Kanagawa.

For CFS, prostitution is illegal in Japan.
Ryuji wrote: "You can't do penetration in DH. "

And I keep reading this at different forums but I just assume that FS is on the menu even if the website doesn`t say that, and usually FS is offered in the room, has been my experience. So I am always surprised when people write this.
To be honest, FS has never NOT been offered by the DHs I have dealt with. And by reading many posts my experience is not unique. I assume it depends on which DH you use, or even if you are satisfied with BJ and sumata.
I politely ask as mentioned elsewhere and have never been turned down by a DH provider. DH to my mind at least = escort But I know there are exceptions to this assumption. I do agree that many or perhaps most of the delivery massage places do not offer FS. They stop at sumata or BJ.

But I have to disagree respectfully with the statement "You can`t do penetration in DH." Because that hasn`t been my experience at all in Japan.

I`d be interested in which DHs do not offer FS. I would think a lot of readers here would. Or even DHS where most girls do not offer FS.
Having a comprehensive listing like that would be valuable.
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I`d be interested in which DHs do not offer FS. I would think a lot of readers here would. Or even DHS where most girls do not offer FS.
Having a comprehensive listing like that would be valuable.

A comprehensive list isn't going to happen, because it not only depends on the shop and the girl, but also the guy, the situation, how good the communication level is, etc. This also changes over time depending on what organizations get busted, etc.

If you are going to spend a lot of time in Japan you need to get used to grey areas, and this is one of the big ones. Having good reviews certainly helps, but as always they are just guidelines of what the service will be like, not a 'comprehensive' report of everything you should expect.
I understand what Bob Johnson said.

I just need to stick to gray zones, and I can't make it all clear here as an insider. I'd be happy if you keep in mind that not a small number of female sex workers are unwilling to offer FS.

Thank you.
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