Some Cowardly And Xenophobic Japanese Guys


TAG Member
Jan 18, 2013
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I'm not one to use such terms lightly. But, recently my friends and I have encountered some very bad behavior perpetuated by Japanese guys against foreign men via the odd route of harrassing Japanese women.

In a nutshell, whenever some Japanese guys see Japanese women with foreign men, they will "stare them down awkwardly", say dumb xenophobic things to them, or outright harrass them.

I've been in Japan for many years, and the number of incidents that I have seen, experienced, or heard about has increased recently. This right-wing extremist thinking is so backwards. This isn't 1940, but 2014.

Example, I brought an American friend living in Korea to Roppongi, Tokyo. I dislike Roppongi, as I see it as a rip-off to abuse tourists, but he insisted going there because his hotel was nearby.

We went to Area Red and Greenland, among various places.

1) Greenland

In Greenland, while have a great conversation with 2 Japanese women (15 minutes or so), some odd Japanese guys began whispering crap to the women. The guys were verbally harrassing the women and appeared blantly jealous. The Japanese women were like WTF? Obviously the disrespect of the Japanese guys was starting to create a situation. The Japanese women got scared and RAN off.

When we confronted the Japanese guys, they pretended to play dumb, to make it appear as if we were the aggressors. We cursed them out and left it at that.

2) Area Red

OK, so you are probably saying that's an isolated incident...

We go into Area Red and a very similar situation unfolds. We are talking to 2 Japanese women in the club and having a good time with them. Asshole Japanese guys begin talking crap to the women. Being Japanese women, they panic and run off like terrorized rabbits. We then confront the cowardly Japanese guys pulling this stunt, who then run to the club staff, as if we were bothering them.

And this week, I had to suffer another incident, while with my Japanese lady on the train

The Japanese guy didn't guess that we knew each other (for 2 months already) and assumed I was doing nampa (like people can't talk to each other), so begins telling her to watch out for foreigners (in Japanese). I over hear this stupidity, and tell the jackass to stop bothering my girl and putting his nose in other people's business. Nasty argument on the train occurs that had to be broken up by bystanders, who saves the jealous idiot from beating he deserved.

Cowardly Jealous Men

I've personally never had a problem with an Asian or Japanese guy dating whatever race of woman they want. And I've damn sure never whispered bullcrap about other men in the ear of women.

The same Japanese guys attempting to back stab other nationalities and races, will crave and dream about White women all day.

As a man, if you have a racist problem with another man, then you face that man. Harrassing women and trying to take away the free choice of others is just plain wrong.
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sorry to hear that! I also hate discrimination of any kind. Good for you for bringing this up and in this way taking a stand against it!

Serena x
I used to bounce at some clubs in roppongi a few years ago and I went through something similar to your experience. One day a girl would ask to exchange numbers and the following weekend I would get ignored by that same chick.
This happened a bunch of times. Turns out a couple of the waiting staff that was Japanese would tell them I was a piece of shit gaijin who used girls. I had had to tell those douchebags to mind their business or I would rearrange their furniture in their mouths. After that it was cool
Most of these types of Japanese guys do this in a very sneaky way.

They are cowardly and don't want to confront the foreign guys, they instead harrass and bully the women.

They are childish and jealous. Somehow they think that they own every Asian woman, and think to bully, harrass, and force women to do what they want.

Then these weirdos go chase after White or foreign women like the hypocrisy and irony of it doesn't register in their brains.
Most of these types of Japanese guys do this in a very sneaky way.

They are cowardly and don't want to confront the foreign guys, they instead harrass and bully the women.

They are childish and jealous. Somehow they think that they own every Asian woman, and think to bully, harrass, and force women to do what they want.

Then these weirdos go chase after White or foreign women like the hypocrisy and irony of it doesn't register in their brains.
I know a guy who does security in club Harlem and I asked why no foreigners allowed? He said because too many Japanese guys complained that all the foreigners was getting all the women.
Similar experience but with women!

I took a long term female friend on a date to a foreign restaurant and the table of ladies next to us were trash talking foreign men! She didn't notice until she saw the anger flashing across my face. An angry look from me shut them them up immediately.
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Similar experience but with women!

I took a long term female friend on a date to a foreign restaurant and the table of ladies next to us were trash talking foreign men! She didn't notice until she saw the anger flashing across my face. An angry look from me shut them them up immediately.

For Japanese women, they seem to get programmed with ultra-nationalistic propaganda, but don't realize it's hurting them the most.

Their options, as women, are being taken away from them. Now, "Yuki" can only choose plain bread and water. No fruit, no meat, no wine, no variety whatsoever. She is stuck with a limited option of men, while Japanese guys give themselves no limits.

The same Japanese guys teaching Japanese women all this anti-foreigner guy stuff, would hook with a foreign woman or half White mixed woman so fast that it would make Yuki's head spin. Most international and interracial marriages among Japanese, are Japanese guys with foreign women.

Japanese women hating on foreign men are just getting tricked and being plain foolish.
Most international and interracial marriages among Japanese, are Japanese guys with foreign women.

I would assume that most of those international marriages are between Japanese guys and other East Asian women. It's anecdotal, but in my experience there's far more Western guys married to Japanese women than Western women married to Japanese guys.
I agree with you meiji. most of interracial couple are Japanese women with western guys from what i have saw here
I would assume that most of those international marriages are between Japanese guys and other East Asian women. It's anecdotal, but in my experience there's far more Western guys married to Japanese women than Western women married to Japanese guys.

If broken down by race, then it might be possible that more Japanese women are married to non-Asians. I would need to see the statistics though, as many Japanese men are married to White women from Russia and Europe. And I'm talking Japanese walking chin up high, like he is driving a Lamborghini out the showroom.

I've met several Russian women in Japan that divorced a Japanese guy or are married to one. You have to consider the visa angle.

However, if broken down as Japanese and foreigners, then more Japanese men are married to foreigners by a wide margin.

And my point is that Japanese guys are doing more interracial and international marriages, yet often talk the most racist xenophobic rhetoric to Japanese women or try to intimidate the women. The hypocrisy and jealousy levels are ridiculous.

It's wrong to bother people with that twisted minded xenophobic hypocrisy, when they are loving each other or are enjoying each other's company.
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Are these events on the increase lately? And not particularly limited to women.

There was some news recently about some Japanese guys harassing foreign students somewhere in Kansai. Also some of my Japanese colleagues are developing some very nationalistic and racists ideas - mostly about Koreans and Chinese but you never know where those will end up.

Perhaps these are one-offs but I just get the feeling that they are on the rise.
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This has been on the rise the last several years. This is partly attributed to ultra-nationalist right wing politicians getting elected and the increase in membership of xenophobic right wing groups.

Many Japanese are in a kind of Japanese only bubble, so see foreigners and the outside world as a threat and scary.

Politicians easily use the xenophobia and racism to scare Japanese and blame problems on foreigners to get votes. Like, if you don't vote for them or agree with the xenophobic rhetoric, then you are not "really" Japanese.

A kind of bad circle is created where the fear, hate, and blame gets constantly turned up.
Funny that most Japanese friends and the people they introduce me to are desparate to hook me up with a Japanese girll telling me how they make great wives and all that. But the police in ikebukuro and shinjuku give me shit all the time asking to see my id when i didnt do nothin
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(Your posts are setting my nostalgia off Johnnyboy84) I have been stopped by the police once in 32 years living in Tokyo - maybe it is my halo. The one instance was returning from a BBQ at a park with a popular BBQ area (& near my house), with my wife's bicycle loaded down with BBQ, cooking implements, etc. etc. Young cop at the koban at the park entrance asked me what I have been doing in a bit of a threatening way. I just looked at the gear and said, "BBQ desukedo...". An older cop who overheard the exchange and must have seen me a million times sauntered over, looked at me, the BBQ and the young cop and just said to him, "Baka". Smiled at me and waved me on. Sometimes I think these xeno guys say things because they can't deal with engaging non-Japanese. It scared the crap out of them so better to be negative and thus identify with their mates.
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I always accepted those things as part of the "life in Japan" package. It goes much further than ladies running away from you in club. For example, daily foreigner trash talk by neighbours and female friends, coupled with promises & status of good Japanese men often cause Japanese wives to divorce their foreign spouses without saying a thing. For the sake of the argument, I'll take an unpopular stance here, and say that unfortunately, if you don't like those things, you're in the wrong place. Put more casually, don't hate the players, hate the game.

I can only agree with you that it sucks, but my point is that, as it won't change, we'd better learn to deal with it.

You bring up a good point. As a foreigner in Japan, there is no choice but to put up with it. The Japanese anti-foreigner campaigns, stories, and rhetoric never stops.

In terms of Japanese girlfriends, they have to be strong-minded independent types, spent time in Western countries (so understand the feelings of a foreigner), and/or the guy has to talk with them to teach her how to mentally deal with anti-foreigner/xenophobic Japanese.

With every Japanese girlfriend, I've always had a talk with them about right wing groups and negative people trying to destroy the relationships of others. I also made it a point to ask her about how her friends or family feels about foreigners, in order to do some counter-programming. This usually helped a bit, but of course, it depends on the woman. Some understand way better than others.

Also, what's the point of all this ultra-nationalist xenophobic anti-foreigner stuff by Japanese? To build a "super race" and invade neighboring countries? That idiotic dream should have died long ago, this is a multicultural and multiracial world now.

The anti-foreigner xenophobia has nearly ZERO benefit to Japan. This isn't 1914 or 1940. Japanese troops aren't going to invade China nor is Japan going to win naval battles against Russia. This is the age of nuclear missles, which North Korea, China, and Russia will shoot into Japanese major cities during a war. Total destruction.

When Japanese travel overseas, Western countries don't have "No Japanese Allowed" signs nor do we ban Japanese from entering clubs or force them to pass an English test to join a club. Japanese would protest this unfair treatment loudly, but yet they are doing this backwards stuff to foreign people in their country. Japan is still so backwards and has a long way to go in certain areas.

Don't get me wrong, I do like other things about Japan, so it balances out for me... But still, just saying the reality of what's going on.
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Yeah, I agree, Solong. I remember articles from the seventies and eighties when the Japanese were taking the auto industry in America, any slight criticism could label you as racist by the US media. Yeah, the Japanese would certainly bitch if they came to America and saw signs that "Japanese were not allowed" when they do this shit in their own country.

Like other contributors to this thread, whatever relationships I have tends to be with girls who already have extensive abroad experiences. They understand other cultures and are more open minded. If their families were willing to let them go abroad for a year or more, then they should be open minded enough to allow them to date foreigners. Thankfully whatever Japanese girlfriends I had were like this. As I also shared in another thread, I had a great relationship with a co-worker and our other co-workers were openly supportive of us. Mostly, I am not a girl's type whether or not I was Japanese. Most average Japanese chicks just don't dig me because I don't dress like a meterosexual hipster a and that I look more like former MMA champion BJ Penn as opposed to those faggots from One Direction or the other pussy pretty boy boybands that are both Japanese and foreign. I am mostly "American" with how I dress by wearing my favorite sports teams, bands, jeans, baseball hats, etc. And my taste in music (generation x baby) does not help as well. I am a music guy and I can get into deep conversations about Van Halen, Hendrix, The Doors, Tupac, and NWA, but what is there to talk about Taylor Swift (other than she needs to make a song called "Maybe I'm the Problem?"), One Direction, Avril Lavigne, and Justin Bieber other than that they flat out suck? But at least it is not a race problem lol.

In context to dating, I haven't dealt with racism but still dealt with racism regardless and have managed to handle it in both good and bad ways in my youth. I have dealt with racism in Japan and in America. My father is Latino, Anglo Saxon, and Native America and my mother is Filipino, Chinese, and Pacific Islander (Samoan and Hawaiian) so I have it has been crazy for me anyway. I've been called chink, good, beaner, wetback, and all that other shit by douchebags while I went to jr high. I've been told to go back "to my country." People have called me raghead when i am not remotely middle eastern. I was born and raised in Los Angeles for fuck's sake. I have dealt with racism in Japan from the police (countless incidents where I do nothing, ask for my ID, force me to sit in the back of their car, etc.), an old man who just says racist shit to me for no reason, and some punk ass in Ikebukuro two years ago who was hurting a young lady and a 15 year old young man. In jr. high, I got into fights all the time whether it was race related or not. In Japan, I have only got into two street fights. One where I had to run away from the police (which is the Crabs in a Barrel thread and wasn't race related) and one where the police got me off because witnesses and security footage proved I acted in self-defense against the punk ass I restrained in Ikebukuro. But it drives me crazy when people tell me that I speak "good English." Same with my relatives on my mother's side. It drives them crazy, too as well as my mom whose family has been here for generations.

You can lead a jackass to water but you can't make it drink.
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Yeah, the Japanese would certainly bitch if they came to America and saw signs that "Japanese were not allowed" when they do this shit in their own country.

This is absolutely untrue. My family has taken me around the world while I was a kid and I had sworn to myself to never ever again set foot back anywhere in America, not only the specific country but any other country in the entire American continent.

As I grew up my whole life as Japanese in other countries I had taken countless amounts of discrimination and xenophobia by Westerns to the point that many of the complains you "whites" write sound like girl whinning to me. But then again I also feel a lot of respect for people like @Solong who choose to resolve problems with peaceful methods.

There are several racist actions that were/are much more worst anywhere out of Japan than in Japan. Most people of you only experience this now as adults because while young you have never been in a minority situation.

I dont know how to make a table in this forum as to put two columns to compare West vs Japan so I will have to make a list.

Offenses that do NOT happen in Japan but DO happen in the West.

* While you walk in any Japanese street, we will not do much past looking at you because of your different etnicity features...but in the West:

While I walked the streets everybody would rise their fingers and pull their eyes and then sing some sort of Chinese rhythm, and of course call me Chinese. Not even Japanese.

People here in Japan will not spit in your face, push you to fall down or come to agravete you physicaly as happens in the Western countries.

* Lets not forget that many of you if not most come from the country where you call African etnicity people as NIGGERS. Here in Japan we dont make you take a bus, pay first then get out and entert back again from the back door and sit at the area exclusively designated: "for niggers". Only because you dont have a soul.

We Japanese have settlements, colonies in most other countries. Like China Towns but smaller. So when fend off by the locals I just went back to my peoples area and forget about the wrongs done to me.

Not to mention my early years when every Japanese with a camera would be treated as a SPY. Pretty much like a Japanese version of Jason Bourne and be accused to be a member of a Black Operations Clandestine group like Treadstone.

Racial discrimination exists everywhere in the World and dont come to tell me that White Americans dont do the slightess gesture to Black people even past the 2000s.

For several years of my life I wished at least one guy from the local side would stand for me...and guess where I am now...Im back in Japan and the only reason that could probably break my own oath to never go back to the West might be the fact that after my childhood, I started to notice that the younger generations of little westerns started to love Japanese anime like Dragon Ball and Pokemon. Period from which all the hate I used to get started to change and turn into interest. To the point that now several western countries now want to learn Japanese...but then again...that was not my teenage period either anymore...I took the worst and lived the bad times in the West.

My own experiences has taught me that trying to solve hate with more hate is not going to take you anywhere. Im glad to find in this forum people like @Solong that are smarter than the average.

How many of you have stood next to somebody from a minority while still back in your loving and peaceful country?

I can bet that most never even cared while minority members were being assaulted by the natives, because those who do; have a tendency to express themselves differently, to the point that I can tell who actually knows what he/she is speaking of and who is just a cry-baby.

Dont get me wrong, in my early 20s (already back in Japan) all my friends laught at me as the "Mother Duck" because I used to take a lot of people behind me in a row. During those years around the 2000s I took several Gaijins to every place requested and made many many many friends from people of all over the world. Which of course shows how my rustic English became like this and most people might confuse me as a Native English speaker. Back in my student time I had a hard time to read just one English paragraph and now I can read and write a lot and even participate in English forums like TAG. I am very fond of all the experiences I have gained after the very first night I set foot in Roppongi and saw so many westers for the first time in my life in Japan.

Now that you have experienced what it feels to be in the losing side. My question to all of you is:

What will you do once you return back home with your experience gained here in Japan?

* Will you talk shit about Japan and the people?
* Will you address the racial discrimantion that takes place in your own HOME COUNTRY? Because once you realise all the wrongs done by your own will become very busy to the point that you wont have time anymore to talk bad about others.

Most "whites" will never even experience this unless they leave their own nation and go somewhere else where whites will be few like Asian or African, Middle-East countries.

If you tell me that in your own country there is no Racial Discrimination...You dont know REALITY.

Once I realised all the hate that Whites have... I came back to Japan and ever since I had never ever gone back to anywhere in the entire American continent and so far...I dont plan to do so even 12 years afterwards.
This is absolutely untrue. My family has taken me around the world while I was a kid and I had sworn to myself to never ever again set foot back anywhere in America, not only the specific country but any other country in the entire American continent.

As I grew up my whole life as Japanese in other countries I had taken countless amounts of discrimination and xenophobia by Westerns to the point that many of the complains you "whites" write sound like girl whinning to me. But then again I also feel a lot of respect for people like @Solong who choose to resolve problems with peaceful methods.

There are several racist actions that were/are much more worst anywhere out of Japan than in Japan. Most people of you only experience this now as adults because while young you have never been in a minority situation.

I dont know how to make a table in this forum as to put two columns to compare West vs Japan so I will have to make a list.

Offenses that do NOT happen in Japan but DO happen in the West.

* While you walk in any Japanese street, we will not do much past looking at you because of your different etnicity features...but in the West:

While I walked the streets everybody would rise their fingers and pull their eyes and then sing some sort of Chinese rhythm, and of course call me Chinese. Not even Japanese.

People here in Japan will not spit in your face, push you to fall down or come to agravete you physicaly as happens in the Western countries.

* Lets not forget that many of you if not most come from the country where you call African etnicity people as NIGGERS. Here in Japan we dont make you take a bus, pay first then get out and entert back again from the back door and sit at the area exclusively designated: "for niggers". Only because you dont have a soul.

We Japanese have settlements, colonies in most other countries. Like China Towns but smaller. So when fend off by the locals I just went back to my peoples area and forget about the wrongs done to me.

Not to mention my early years when every Japanese with a camera would be treated as a SPY. Pretty much like a Japanese version of Jason Bourne and be accused to be a member of a Black Operations Clandestine group like Treadstone.

Racial discrimination exists everywhere in the World and dont come to tell me that White Americans dont do the slightess gesture to Black people even past the 2000s.

For several years of my life I wished at least one guy from the local side would stand for me...and guess where I am now...Im back in Japan and the only reason that could probably break my own oath to never go back to the West might be the fact that after my childhood, I started to notice that the younger generations of little westerns started to love Japanese anime like Dragon Ball and Pokemon. Period from which all the hate I used to get started to change and turn into interest. To the point that now several western countries now want to learn Japanese...but then again...that was not my teenage period either anymore...I took the worst and lived the bad times in the West.

My own experiences has taught me that trying to solve hate with more hate is not going to take you anywhere. Im glad to find in this forum people like @Solong that are smarter than the average.

How many of you have stood next to somebody from a minority while still back in your loving and peaceful country?

I can bet that most never even cared while minority members were being assaulted by the natives, because those who do; have a tendency to express themselves differently, to the point that I can tell who actually knows what he/she is speaking of and who is just a cry-baby.

Dont get me wrong, in my early 20s (already back in Japan) all my friends laught at me as the "Mother Duck" because I used to take a lot of people behind me in a row. During those years around the 2000s I took several Gaijins to every place requested and made many many many friends from people of all over the world. Which of course shows how my rustic English became like this and most people might confuse me as a Native English speaker. Back in my student time I had a hard time to read just one English paragraph and now I can read and write a lot and even participate in English forums like TAG. I am very fond of all the experiences I have gained after the very first night I set foot in Roppongi and saw so many westers for the first time in my life in Japan.

Now that you have experienced what it feels to be in the losing side. My question to all of you is:

What will you do once you return back home with your experience gained here in Japan?

* Will you talk shit about Japan and the people?
* Will you address the racial discrimantion that takes place in your own HOME COUNTRY? Because once you realise all the wrongs done by your own will become very busy to the point that you wont have time anymore to talk bad about others.

Most "whites" will never even experience this unless they leave their own nation and go somewhere else where whites will be few like Asian or African, Middle-East countries.

If you tell me that in your own country there is no Racial Discrimination...You dont know REALITY.

Once I realised all the hate that Whites have... I came back to Japan and ever since I had never ever gone back to anywhere in the entire American continent and so far...I dont plan to do so even 12 years afterwards.

This doesn't add up. Sure there's prejudice- like you said it exists everywhere.

But there are over 1 million American citizens of Japanese ancestry, and among those are several former and acting senators and congressmen, business elites, etc. Heck, the former chief of staff of the army, Eric Shinseki, is of Japanese descent. And again- I'm not saying that there isn't racism- I'm just pointing out that there are many more Japanese successful in America than the other way around.

And with segregation, some of that was fifty or more years ago. Things have changed pretty dramatically since then. Nowadays we are dealing with racial issues stemming from the breakdown in public order in large cities. The dynamic has changed.

I have to be honest. If a man attempted to put up a "No " insert ethnicity"" sign up on a restaurant in the U.S. he'd be wrecked damn near instantly.

A perfect example is comparing Donald Sterling( owner of the L.A. Clippers) with Ishihara. Sterling made racist remarks about black people in the privacy of his own home, and the establishment has attempted to destroy him. Ishihara has made much more racist and xenophobic remarks and not only had he not faced serious scrutiny, he actually obtained political support due to it.

I'm not saying you didn't experience those horrible things. I apologize to you on behalf of Americans ( if I can lol). At the same time- those Gaijin folks in Japan are going to complain about how they're treated. Just natural.

I get it, though, Japanese do not want us to stay long- term. That's fine with me as I am a frequent visitor, but just a visitor nonetheless. The staring I can get used to also.

But we a have the right to call out mistreatment, in my opinion. And I feel like the Japanese, for all their positive characteristics, seem to not want to look at their actions critically, while in Western countries whites are bombarded with guilt on a daily basis.
Also, I would stand up for you had you been mistreated in my presence. I have stood up to racist Americans mistreatong Chinese ( the Japanese population in the American midwest os very small) on three occasions. One was a group of white kids, another a group of crazy black racists, and another a group of black women. I had to pull out my sidearm during one of those encounters.
Just my thoughts. Please don't take offense as I do not mean anything personal and enjoy reading your comments.
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This doesn't add up. Sure there's prejudice- like you said it exists everywhere.

But there are over 1 million American citizens of Japanese ancestry, and among those are several former and acting senators and congressmen, business elites, etc. Heck, the former chief of staff of the army, Eric Shinseki, is of Japanese descent. And again- I'm not saying that there isn't racism- I'm just pointing out that there are many more Japanese successful in America than the other way around.

In the history between Americans and Japanese. Japanese had for long been in American continent before World War II. Most Japanese in the entire American continent, not country only, when war started. They were all taken prisoners because the countries to the south all supported Amercia. Those you can see in America these days are not of the last generations but are a only Japanese mostly by name/face only. While in War several of those born in America were reported to fight against Japan. Any book you can read that relates stories during war has the presence of those descendants. Its like if you were trying to compare the Americans that were born in late 80-90s to American descendants living in Japan...who only "look" American but are in "heart" Japanese.

The American that are rising their voices here are those who a way of saying had "just arrived".

But then my reply was to put down the statment that the Japanese would complain, because certainly non of my people did that...or we wouldnt have traveled back home. There is a large population of Japanese that went to the West and after several awful experiences returned to Japan. I have lost several relatives due to Western Racism, members of my family were killed and nothing was done about it. And other family members severely injured and in Japan is not like Americans are killed or Gang-banged like happens in the West.
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In the history between Americans and Japanese. Japanese had for long been in American continent before World War II. Most Japanese in the entire American continent, not country only, when war started. They were all taken prisoners because the countries to the south all supported Amercia. Those you can see in America these days are not of the last generations but are a only Japanese mostly by name/face only. While in War several of those born in America were reported to fight against Japan. Any book you can read that relates stories during war has the presence of those descendants. Its like if you were trying to compare the Americans that were born in late 80-90s to American descendants living in Japan...who only "look" American but are in "heart" Japanese.

The American that are rising their voices here are those who a way of saying had "just arrived".

But then my reply was to put down the statment that the Japanese would complain, because certainly non of my people did that...or we wouldnt have traveled back home. There is a large population of Japanese that went to the West and after several awful experiences returned to Japan. I have lost several relatives due to Western Racism, members of my family were killed and nothing was done about it. And other family members severely injured and in Japan is not like Americans are killed or Gang-banged like happens in the West.

I'm sorry for what happened to your relatives. That is awful.

That is an aspect in which Japan is clearly superior in my opinion. America is a VERY violent nation, particularly where I've lived (St. Louis, Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, New Orleans).
I'm not doubting that the police were racist against your relatives- I trust your judgment there.

Yet at the same time it should be noted that crime sucks for everyone in the U.S. I myself have experienced the murder of a loved one with very little done about it. American cities are rapidly becoming third world hellholes in some areas. In terms of safety, Japan is going to be better than just about anywhere. That's because of Japanese valuing self- control I think.

I don't know; All I know is that being in these U S. cities, especially with the work I do, can be a serious grind.

One time I was getting on a St. Louis bus and a middle- aged Chinese man was trying to count out correct change. Yes, he was holding things up a bit, but he was not hurting anyone.

Next thing I know, a group of three hefty black girls began to shape their eyes, and say " Ching Ching Chong Chong," and one girl said, " you need to go eat some rice!" All I did was tell them that was ignorant- that evidently pissed them off because after that all hell broke loose. They were threatening to kill me and screaming racial slurs. I tried to deescalate but when one of them pushed me I took off my cap ( it was a "sap cap" and struck her in the head. Of course then the law was called, but several on the bus made statements condemning them so I was let go as I acted in self defense.

The biggest anti-Chinese racist event ( there is a HUGE Chinese community in St. Louis, primarily of ethnic Chinese immgrants expatriating from Malaysia, which is a racist country on par with the U.S.- there are only very small numbers of Japanese and Koreans) I've seen was when a black guy tried to run over a Chinese father, mother, and child. There is a lot of resentment of the Chinese immigrant community in some circles, especially among poor, trashy natives ( white and black).

Just my thoughts.
Racism sucks. I will proudly admit I am a hater to the point that Ice T should designate me a hater award, but the last thing I am, is a racist. I will not hate someone because of their skin color or ethnic background. If I am going to hate someone, I will hate them for the content of their character. For their actions. For how they treated me, my friends and/or my family when myself or they did nothing to them. I have been an unfortunate victim of this. Sometimes, I don't want to believe in racism, other than just simply being a fucking asshole. And assholes exist everywhere. What also pisses me off is that it's legal to be an asshole, but it's illegal to hit, shoot or stab one.

A huge percentage of the violence I dealt with was mostly during my adolescent years, but it has resorted to me being suspended, nearly expelled and nearly put in juvie like my brother, especially when I vaguely recall how many fights I have been involved in I actually started (but I sure as hell remember the ones I finished with my crew backing me up).

Granted systematic discrimination was gone a long time ago, but most of us are a generation away from it. Our parents grew up during that period. My dad grew up in Arizona which has a very low black population even to this day. My dad met most of his black friends when he served in Vietnam and they told him all the stories of the segregated south. Those experiences educated my dad and he passed those stories onto me to tell me how wrong it is to treat other people just because they're a different color from you. My parents hate racism and dealt with shit being a mixed race couple. Yes, the days of segregation was a long time ago, but the thing is, people who lived it are still alive today and remember it which is why it is still a big deal here and there.

Yes, Japan's xenophobia sucks but it's not like Japan is the only country that is. We shouldn't say they're racist because certain activities are closed off to us non-Japanese. The only place us Americans can get it legally is outside of Clark County, Nevada. yeah, it sucks the Japanese industries can reject you, but should we automatically accuse all of Japan being racist because we can't use 100% of all sex establishments? If that is your criteria of what defines racism, then your standards are relatively low.

There are good Japanese. And there are bad Japanese. Like there are good Americans and bad Americans and stereotypical Americans like me who embrace my stereotype of being loud and obnoxious hah hah hah hah. I have met Japanese people that say I don't belong here. And I have met Japanese that tell me I understand old school Japanese spirit, yamato damashii. I have friends in high standings. I have friends in the underworld. In the end, I have my tribe and my tribe includes great people of all races.
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Racism sucks. I will proudly admit I am a hater to the point that Ice T should designate me a hater award, but the last thing I am, is a racist. I will not hate someone because of their skin color or ethnic background. If I am going to hate someone, I will hate them for the content of their character. For their actions. For how they treated me, my friends and/or my family when myself or they did nothing to them. I have been an unfortunate victim of this. Sometimes, I don't want to believe in racism, other than just simply being a fucking asshole. And assholes exist everywhere. What also pisses me off is that it's legal to be an asshole, but it's illegal to hit, shoot or stab one.

A huge percentage of the violence I dealt with was mostly during my adolescent years, but it has resorted to me being suspended, nearly expelled and nearly put in juvie like my brother, especially when I vaguely recall how many fights I have been involved in I actually started (but I sure as hell remember the ones I finished with my crew backing me up).

Granted systematic discrimination was gone a long time ago, but most of us are a generation away from it. Our parents grew up during that period. My dad grew up in Arizona which has a very low black population even to this day. My dad met most of his black friends when he served in Vietnam and they told him all the stories of the segregated south. Those experiences educated my dad and he passed those stories onto me to tell me how wrong it is to treat other people just because they're a different color from you. My parents hate racism and dealt with shit being a mixed race couple. Yes, the days of segregation was a long time ago, but the thing is, people who lived it are still alive today and remember it which is why it is still a big deal here and there.

Yes, Japan's xenophobia sucks but it's not like Japan is the only country that is. We shouldn't say they're racist because certain activities are closed off to us non-Japanese. The only place us Americans can get it legally is outside of Clark County, Nevada. yeah, it sucks the Japanese industries can reject you, but should we automatically accuse all of Japan being racist because we can't use 100% of all sex establishments? If that is your criteria of what defines racism, then your standards are relatively low.

There are good Japanese. And there are bad Japanese. Like there are good Americans and bad Americans and stereotypical Americans like me who embrace my stereotype of being loud and obnoxious hah hah hah hah. I have met Japanese people that say I don't belong here. And I have met Japanese that tell me I understand old school Japanese spirit, yamato damashii. I have friends in high standings. I have friends in the underworld. In the end, I have my tribe and my tribe includes great people of all races.

Just speaking for myself here- one way I determine if something is racist is if when the shoe is on the other foot, those who perpetrate the original idea/activity in question react negatively.

In other words, if a Japanese person doesn't see "No Foreigners" signs as racist, I will only respect that analysis if the same kind of sign, but reversed to say "No Japanese" put up in California is acceptable to them also. In my opinion we have to be consistent with our principles. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

At the same time, while I do argue that Japan is an openly racist society( especially to Koreans, Chinese, SE Asians), I don't hold it against them. I have no desire to become a permanent resident, and Japanese people have treated me well, aside from the occasional punk trying to stare me down and the random old man cussing me on the street.

In the end it's their country; we are guests. They have the right to make policy as they please. Personally I'm glad that all this PC leftist hoopla is not present in Japan. Yes you'll deal with the occasional racist but I'd rather people be honest and way what they truly feel. Yet another reason I admire Japanese society.

Just my two cents.