TAG Staff Directory

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TAG Administrator

TAG Member
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
Current TAG Staff Directory - As of 5/10/2016:


This thread serves as a record for active staff members:

TAG Controlling Administrators:

TAG Manager (Chris) - Sole Proprietor/Operations Manager [Start Date: 9/1/09]

TAG Senior Moderators:

Meiji (?) - [Start Date: 1/21/13]

TAG Staff Moderators:


Account Management Committee

TAG Manager (Chris) [Start Date: 1/11/10]
Karen [Start Date: 1/11/10]

Technical Support

Yomama [Start Date: 5/28/12]

Retired Staff

TokyoSpirit (Mike) - Adult Entertainment Moderator [Start Date: 9/11/09, End Date: 10/14/2014]
TAG Administrator (Eliah) - Owner/Funding [End Date: 5/10/2016]
Yomama [Start Date: 5/28/12, End Date: 5/17/2016]


Staff Role Descriptions:

Controlling Administrators: This group contains the core owners and personnel responsible for the decision making and planning processes of this website.

TAG Senior Moderator: This group contains the personnel that are responsible for the upkeep of their assigned core areas of the forum. This group reports to and carries out assignments issues by the Controlling Administrators.

TAG Staff Moderators: This group contains people assigned to general moderation duty to deal with SPAM posts and other items that are against the forum rules. This group reports to and carries out assignments issued by the Senior Moderators.

Management Role Descriptions

Operations Manager
- The TAG Operations Manager is charged with the specific day-to-day operations and oversight of the moderation teams. The Operations Manager manages the user account database and other daily operational related forum control settings. Other major control changes can be made withe the Administrator's approval. In the absence of the Operations Manager, the Administrator will assume those duties assigned to the operations manager.

Public Relations Manager - The TAG Public Relations Manager handles media contacts and other outwardly publicly facing relations related to the Tokyo Adult Guide. This can include mass-marketing via web advertising, handout fliers and face-to-face forum recruitment. This management position will also have authority to approve or reject proposed events or publications released by the Tokyo Adult Guide. This position reports to the Operations Manager.

Account Management Committee

These personnel will handle the management of the user account system. This includes dealing with spam accounts and other unwanted accounts, such as duplicate accounts and impersonation accounts.

Technical Support

As the name implies, these personnel will assist in technical matters around the Tokyo Adult Guide website including design changes and other upgrades that we schedule from time to time. This group will report to the TAG Administrator directly and will monitor the site on a daily basis.
Last edited:
Admin Update:

* Cake added to TAG Staff Moderators.
* Role titles updated.
* Start dates added for all staff.
Admin Update:

* Public Relations Manager - position created, explained.
* Management Role Details - Operations Manager role description added.
* Role Descriptions - Renamed to "Staff Role Descriptions"
* Management Class - Created "Management Role Descriptions"
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Reactions: Jimmydr
Admin Update:

*Removed Kevin from TAG Staff, officially retired from Moderator duties.
*Added Technical Support area
*Added Yomama to technical support area
Admin Update:

*Retired Mike (TokyoSpirit) from Senior Moderator position, now vacant.
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Reactions: User#29385
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