Recent content by Belmar

  1. B

    Looking for a good place to hook up girls!!!???

    Could you suggest any specific places in Roppongi? Particularly places that don't cost a day's wages to get in. Also, if you know of anyplace where a 45 year old man who has thinned out up top won't be totally out of place... I'd appreciate it! Thanks...
  2. B

    Fuck You Nigerians in Kabukicho

    Couple years ago in Roppongi when I was pretty well fed up with those guys, the next guy who followed me tried to hand me his card so I grabbed it and threw it on the ground. He got in front of me and said "why you do dat, man? pick it up!" I shoved him away saying F*** off, and the next thing I...
  3. B

    Chu-Hi - Oh how I love thee

    Chu-Hi is one of those things that will catch you off guard if you don't know what it is. When I first drank it, I couldn't even tell it was alcoholic. Then in the middle of my third can it hit me.