
I'll be moving to Tokyo soon to start a new chapter of my life. I am young, but wise beyond my years. Sexuality is freeing to me - it is the most natural part of life. Hoping to mingle my way into the Tokyo adult world and experience my time in Japan to the fullest.



  1. 15

    TAG Member for Three Years!

    This is awarded when your TAG account reaches three years of age!
  2. 15

    TAG Member for Two Years!

    This is awarded when your TAG account reaches two years old!
  3. 15

    TAG Member for One Year!

    These points are awarded when your TAG account reaches one year old!
  4. 10

    More Intense Attraction!

    This is awarded when you receive a 0.7 ratio of posts to likes.
  5. 2

    Somebody Likes You

    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  6. 1

    Congratulations, Your First Message!

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this this trophy and receive access to the private conversation system.
  7. 20

    Express Yourself!

    This is awarded when a member updates their avatar to something unique to express themselves!