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  1. Lars Lust

    Mother In Law Relationships

    Hurrah, TJB is back!
  2. Lars Lust

    Where are the bisexual men?

    I’m not trying to be smart. I’m genuinely curious: are trans women sexually attractive to bi men?
  3. Lars Lust

    Would You Men Sacrifice Your Wives To Save Yourselves?

    Maybe some of them. Definitely not all
  4. Lars Lust

    Dating Game

    Now I’m really curious. I never had a Filipina SF, GF or other -F. What have I been missing?
  5. Lars Lust

    Black Women in Japan

    Update. Motown is gone. If it has not moved somewhere else. The building is gone.
  6. Lars Lust

    Sex on first date : the new norm?

    Women! They are so funny.
  7. Lars Lust

    the girl i met 2 years ago

    Stay away. Nothing good is coming out of this
  8. Lars Lust

    Divorce lawyer

    It’s just rather sad, isn’t it?
  9. Lars Lust

    Divorce lawyer

    I didn´t realize both parties are fined. What´s the thinking? I mean, if the guy is caught and has to pay his wife, in a typical Japanese family it means just moving money from one pocket to the other if they continue to be married. And in the p4p case: both parties go free?
  10. Lars Lust

    "Chotto M"

    My understanding too. It just means more or less passive. The profile page of many DH girls includes a M vs S self rating: say, typically, 80 or 90 % M. I think I still have to see somebody who claims to be more S than M. It has nothing to do with what is usually meant by S/M. My two cents...
  11. Lars Lust

    Recommendations On How To Meet Foreign Women

    I know, I know. Something is wrong with me. After all these years I still enjoy Motown in Roppongi. It's sleezy, honest, doesn't pretend to be anything, just fun. And you meet absolutely all kinds of people, including non-Japanese women.
  12. Lars Lust

    Does Your Wife Know You P4p?

    Fair enough. And if children are involved?