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  1. G

    The world of asshole mongers

    @Durg50 i totally agree with you on this front that the guy is an asshole and total sleaze bag to act this way. And while I'm lucky to not have to experience their desperation and poverty I also believe that in this dy and age of information and seeing from how their mothers were a similar...
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    The world of asshole mongers

    I agree with both @User#8628 and @MikeH that while it is very irresponsible behavior by the mongerers not to do their part in misadventures, it is the job of these bar girls to ensure that they insist on protection. Their inability to not enforce this makes them equally culpable in...
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    New private student seems interested?

    If anything it's easy access to anti biotics incase you catch something :) but bravo man you are really smashing it in Shizuoka :)
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    New private student seems interested?

    @TokyoJoeblow awesome adventures man. So did you bust in her mouth in the classroom? I feel an important detail you left out
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    What are your thoughts on Japanese lawyers?

    @TokyoJoeblow definitely. The thing is that you definitely need to get a good lawyer referred from some reliable person. I would rather pay 40k an hour even if i can barely afford it than 10k an hour, if that one hour provides me priceless advise which can potentially salvage my life.
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    Favorite Airlines

    Hands down singapore airlines for me
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    Japanese anti histamines are completely useless. I would suggest you stackup on proper anti histamines everytime you travel. I do the same. Hope you feel better
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    What Is Your Favorite Mobile Game App?

    Plants vs zombies part 1 & 2 !
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    Choking & Slapping During Sex

    Def not into choking... i would love to slap... though not with my hands.... ;)
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    Do Police Ever Call As Late As 10pm?

    @TokyoJoeblow not be captain obvious but you should be super super careful man. any slight altercation with a local regardless of reason is gonna land you in the slammer for a minimum of 23 days plus confirmed financial fines in the range of 10k usd plus. Glad you are taking meds etc... and hope...
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    Watching Deadpool

    My favorite line.. im not sure exactly how the words are but it is in the earlier part of the movie when he is facing a bunch of those gun men "I wear red so that when i bleed it doesn't show..... that guy wearing the brown pants has the right idea" i still laugh when i think of that !!
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    What Do You Consider To Be " Fat "?

    That and also the fact that unless ur built like a chiselled Greek god it would make for intimidating moments where theres a mirror involved......
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    What Do You Consider To Be " Fat "?

    My ideal preference is for the 25- 30% although I would even find the 35% category that is how a woman should look like in my opinion... Natural and curvy... Anything above is overweight territory... And anything under is too skinny although living in tokyo you get used to the...
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    Missing The Last Train

    In addition to the above regarding continuation of train services discussion, it was also a sensitive labor union issue whereby they assumed that the already overworked salaryman would then not have a midnight deadline to go home... Also this would mean a major loss for a lot of lads including...
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    Buying Her / Him A Drink

    @MissInsomnia 1) Do you think it's a bad or good idea to buy someone you just met a drink? I would only do this if the conversation has started and I feel it's going somewhere even mildly interesting (doesn't need to end up in sex necessarily) and I wouldn't mind her company. Even then IL only...