News 11/15/2016 - Classified Ad Changes (Extensive)

TAG Manager

Executive Leadership
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score

I would like to take a moment to let people know what is happening with our classified ad listings.

After getting various feedback from members about finding resources through the classified section, we are opting to make the following changes:

1) Classified Ad Sections will be revised - All independent escorts (visiting and resident) will have their own section to place ads in. Another classified ad section will be added for 'everything else' such as ISO or other non-Escort services that are not independents.

2) Classified Ads will be valid for one week only, afterwhich they will be removed automatically. Posters will have the option to re-post their ad once the original has been removed. The reason for this change -- It will give better visibility to those ads to show up as 'new' for our members and visitors alike. Thus, the active ladies here will have better exposure by updating their ad weekly. (If they are taking a break, the ad can drop off and they can repost when they'd like to.)

3) Persistent (paid) Classified ads will be available to independent escorts only for their section. They can purchase a monthly or quarterly package to have their ad remain at the top with colored background. Those interested can contact me to make arrangements for the slots that are available (max of 4).

4) Verified Lists - We will begin to remove escorts that aren't active on TAG. We have a couple that we have received complaints about by either not taking requests or not being responsive. Technically, part of the agreement was that we asked that they be active here as they are getting a free benefit with this list.

Aside from #4 - The planned changes above will be implemented soon. The entire classified ad section will be purged when this happens.

Thank You!
Update: 11/29/2016

We are nearing the roll-out of some of the above changes that have not been completed as of today. Target date is 12/1/2016, which will enable the expiration process of classified ads.

We have added personal archives to each section so that you may view your old advertisements, which can copy from to post new ads if you want to keep the same formatting, etc.

We have moved a small sample of old classified ads to each of the new archive sections.

Those who have opted to pay for a 'sticky' ad will be contacted to setup their requested ads.

Thank you!
Update: 12/1/2016

The changes have been fully rolled out to the classified sections and also some layout changes were completed at the same time.

Some important notes for classifieds:
  • For all sections, ads expire in seven (7) days.
  • Expired ads are moved to private areas (personal archives) where you can see your old ads and you can copy/paste to make a new one.
  • Replies to ads, not permitted.
  • Ad owners may edit their ad, but no replies or bumping allowed. (strictly speaking, replies are disabled, so impossible to bump...)
  • Ad posters should clearly state how to get in touch with them. (i.e. via a private message or through an external email address, twitter, etc.)
  • Paid slots are available on a monthly basis (special weekly ads may be available, please ask) - Cash payment only, for now.
Any questions or comments can be directed to the Member Support area or contact the helpdesk at

Thank you!
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Reactions: AliceInWonderland
I would also like to thank the following people to be the first official clients of TAG. They are the first to support TAG by purchasing an advertising slot, thank you very much ladies!

Anna Summer -
Manami -

Currently, we have open ad slots for the classified section but only for individuals. Agency and banner ads are getting closer....

Thank you again for your support!