2/1/10 - Monthly Update

TAG Administrator

TAG Member
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score

It's amazing that January has already come and gone! We've now completed the first day of February already!

For this report, I do not have much to report as most of our staff have been busy with their real jobs and have not had much time to post here at the Tokyo Adult Guide.

For the last few weeks, I've continued working on the planned upgrade which involves a lot of planning and design work. We've recently completed the mobile integration to the site as well as a number of other items related to upgrading the software in use.

We have adopted a schedule that will allow us to push out some advertisements which we hope will help bring new blood to the site and to help it really get going. We have received a number of positive comments from people passing by and our traffic levels have been steadily increased as we have gotten embedded into the Google search results. At the of 1Q, the advertising campaign will commence, again, hopefully with positive results.

Our largest enemy has always been and will always continue to be, time. Everything we do here is volunteer and we hope that because of that one simple fact, our site will begin to flourish. We are against turning this into a commercial enterprise, much as other sites have done.

For the final piece of this report, there have been no staffing changes and no other direct operation changes to the site that haven't been previously announced.

As a personal side note, we send our best wishes to Rodger Swan's family and fiancee. Rodger died suddenly last week and those of us who either knew him in person or through his videos on YouTube, will miss him very much. Please say a prayer for Robert and his family during this difficult point in their lives. If you have a YouTube account, please subscribe to Rodger's channel as a sign of respect and thoughtfulness.

Thanks for reading everyone, looking forward to seeing some of you lurkers join in and start posting! ;)

-Eliah, TAG Site Administrator