8/20/11 - User Cleanup


Mistress of the Night
Executive Leadership
Global Moderator
Sep 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Everyone!

I have been slacking off on my admin-type duties, sorry!

Today, I have cleaned up the members inventory by removing all users than joined prior to 7/20/2011 that had 0 posts and had also not confirmed their email address.

If you were in that group, you are free to register again with the same information but please confirm your email address to let us know you are a real member and not just an automated bot or human bot! (preventing unwanted spam!)

In case of not receiving your confirmation mail from us, please be sure to check your spam or junk mail folders. Yahoo and Hotmail are notorious for junking our emails. You can also add our domain to your white-list to assure that our emails to you get through.

If you have any questions, please contact one of us on the management team and we will try to work with you. TAG Manager (Chris) and myself are primarily responsible for the membership accounts.

Thank you!

Karen :)
TAG Management
Additional Note: I will do this clean-up process again on 9/1/11.