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Eighth Time In Yoshiwara With Momoka Of Kings Club


TAG Member
Jul 8, 2016
Reaction score
Service and/or Provider's Name:
Kings Club - Momoka

Date of Encounter:
July 2016

Contact Method: (walk-in)

Appointment Length & Costs:
70min/ ¥31000

Yoshiwara Soapland

Language Notes:
No English whatsoever but usually you can get around that problem if you take it easy.

Details of the Encounter:
Physical Description : They have used quite the amount of photoshop on her pictures, and she has shorter legs but a taller upper body if that makes any sense to you. And add a kg or two.

Rating :
3/10 (a reminder, my ratings are always the overall score of the encounter and not just the service or just the appearance)

Well.....16 girls later with one "roofie case" (Mind you I was the one slightly roofied, not the girl) and one 3p, I had finally found out my "limit" and decided that the amount of money/time I need to spend or the risks I had to take to reach said limit was, maybe not worth it.

So I decided for a more, quantity instead of quality approach, it sounds very weird when I say it like this but I'm not sure how to explain it in a good way.

Hmmm. Instead of one girl for hours and more money thous cutting down the amount of people I could meet, I wanted to meet a lot more people, talk to different girls and get to know them a little and hear their story. Get some experience from all kinds of folk, and I'm not only talking about girls or girls in Yoshiwara. I'm talking in a very broad perspective since I wasn't in Tokyo only for the girls, I trained karate, went to Osaka and Kyoto and were your average tourist as well.

Does this make any sense?

Anyway enough crap, lets get to the rather short review.

I had read earlier on TNS (unfortunately I hadn't found out about TAG at this point) that Kings Club was foreigner friendly and they aren't very expensive either so I walked right in, said hello and asked if they are okay with us uncivilized gaijins. No problems there and they showed me 8 pictures, asked which ones were "younger" and he pointed out 3 so I picked the one I thought would still be cute after you take away the photoshop.

Waited for maybe 5 min and then it was my time to shine.

She was veeery business and no feeling kind of girl which is a very big downer for me. No small talk here Mister, wouldn't even shake hands and introduce and I always does that (or is it just me thats weird for doing it?), quick clean up, threw down the mattress and after a short "nuru session" we went at it....and did that for the rest of my time, you do the math. Do I really have to tell you if she succeeded or not?

10 min left and she cleaned me up and finally some sort of conversation, I think she said like 2-3 complete sentences during my time there, down the stairs and away.

Final Thoughts:
Not Recommended.

Closing Comments:
Not her at least. To much business, and half hearted at that.
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Yeah it was kinda bad, I'm not asking for all of them to be all super hyped or something like that....but at least try. And it was at the start of her shift so she can't blame on that.

But I suppose I should be happy anyway since out of all the girls I've been with, she and one more are the only ones I've met that had rather bad.....attitude.
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