Hello From Western Japan


TAG Member
Oct 6, 2016
Reaction score
Hello everyone!. Glad I stumbled onto this site; it`s fantastic!. It`s like the adult version of Gaijin Pot Forums.
Unfortunately I don`t live near Tokyo, I live on the western side of the country, in the middle of nowhere :(
I do, however, manage to get to Osaka every couple of months and am here at TAG to do some research before I try my hand at P4P. I look forward to receiving advice/tips, and I will chime in on the threads that I feel I can make a contribution to. Talk soon, P
It`s like the adult version of Gaijin Pot Forums.
not sure if I like this comparison, lol. (admittedly, it's a mixed environment, but generally friendly!)

Thanks for joining! We hope that you find the info here helpful. We don't have much info on other parts of Japan... and that's not because we haven't tried, there just isn't much available to non-Japanese in other parts of the country. We have had some reports here and there from most parts of Japan. These reports of success just are not as frequent as we would like them to be.

Anyway, if you have questions we (might) have answers! :)