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Hygiene, Fashion, & Being Physically Fit


TAG Member
Jan 18, 2013
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Sometimes in PUA talk, some very basic and important elements get overlooked. PUA isn't just all about being smooth at talking to women, it's also about how you PRESENT yourself. Something old-school players had a much firmer grasp on, and should be part of any man's understanding of the game between the sexes.

Another point, is a guy doesn't necessarily has to be the most handsome to get women, it can be all about how he presents himself in comparison to other guys.


Smelling bad, with an ungroomed beard or haircut, and looking messy isn't the best way to get quality women.

Guys should take the time to look sharp, clean, and smell that way.


This is tricky, because a guy can become a fashion victim or just because it's the lastest look, doesn't mean it will look good on you or appeal to the women you are talking to.

The key here is to be sure that what you are wearing looks good on you, and is NOT too old-fashioned or too weird.

A PUA can definitely wear edgy or trend setting fashion, but keep in mind the reactions of others to it or your goals. Many women are thinking about how you will look next to them, so want a guy she can be confident being with in public or showing her friends to.

Definitely think about clothes that are worn-out, fit poorly, other's consider strange, etc... Try to develop a look and image that shows you off in the best way possible, and this can get you results by itself.

Physically Fit

If a guy wants the more attractive women, it's often better that he is in shape. The more fat or skinny a guy, more often he must rely on other attributes to compensate. Being funny, magic tricks, more charisma, more money, etc... However, sometimes compensating for what you are not physically, means you can't get the women you want.

Contrary to popular belief, it's not as difficult to become physically fit as many think. In fact 15 minutes, every other day or every day, can have amazing effects within 2 to 3 months. NO gym equipment or membership is required.

1) Push-ups (military style), sit-ups, and squats (no weights).

Note- a proper push-up is going all the way up, with arms fully extended. And going all the way down until your chin or chest touches the ground. A proper sit-up is going all the up until your chest touches your knees and all the way down until you back touches the grown. Squats, with no weights, is going all the way down and standing all the way back up. If your legs are weak, you can use the wall or a chair for support until they get stronger.

Do an equal number of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. 30, 30, and 30.

Now, here is the amazing thing. There might be SOME fat and poorly shaped guys that can do 30, 30, & 30. But there are nearly NONE that can do 60, 60, & 60. You get to 60 plus, you properly are in good shape and have a good looking body. 90, 90, & 90 and you properly look amazing.

Some people have weak arms and much stronger lower bodies. If that is the case, you would do 15, 30, & 30 or 30, 60, & 60. Twice as many squats and sit-ups, as push-ups. However, once you get to 30 push-ups, you could work on trying to even the number out.

2) Burpess

Note- How To Do Burpees and Avoid Common Injuries:

How this works is you do burpees one day, then the push-ups, situps, and squats the next day. You alternate days. Take 1 day off a week. So you can exercise 6 days a week for just 15 minutes a day.

Switching between the 2 types of exercises has a synergistic effect. They work similar muscle groups, but NOT in the same way. So if you get tired of one type of exercise, you can most often still do the other.

Do as many or 2x as many burpees as you did push-ups or sit-ups. So if you can do 30 push-ups or squats, do 30 or 60 burpees the next/alternate day.

Of course this is just some helpful hints, and use is the info. as you like.

Happy Hunting
Do Japanese women like guys with muscles?

This is a question my pals debated about the other night, with several Japanese women. The consensus is, for foreigners, YES they do. Why?

If a Japanese woman wants a skinny guy, there are plenty of Japanese guys for her to choose from. So a foreign guy with muscles is more interesting.

However... Many Japanese women are not into huge guys. It's more a slim type of muscular, like that of a boxer/kick-boxer or gymnast.

Also, many foreign guys think muscular is just big arms, and are sporting a big beer gut or are really more fat or chubby than muscular. It's a good idea for foreign guys in Japan to slim down and go for a more defined muscular look. I would recommend lots of full body calisthenics over weight lifting to get the slim muscular look. Lots of push-ups, dips, pull-ups, sit-ups...

Also, lots of calisthenics done together have an aerobic quality that can make running unnecessary. Running also doesn't give you a muscular shape like full body calisthenics will. Anybody that can do 90 push-ups or 90 sit-ups will completely understand.
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Ya man I can really agree with that.
With if you are physical unfit AND overweight or unhappy with your stomach you should probably also watch your diet a bit.
I am not talking about Weight watchers, just skip the evening beer more often and eat some fruits instead of the sweet sugary and fatty conbini stuff.
Yes most conbinis also have good stuff, nothing against that.

Oh the Hygiene part. I usually keep some floss and or a toothbrush, sometimes some perfume to refresh myself. Perfume isnt going to make a shower unnecessary though ( for the italians out there ;)).
Deo is for me personally also needed.

For the styling. I guess either you have "it",or you Dont. If you don't. just ask a woman you know or even better one right in the store you Dont know yet and have a great opener for her opinion.
If you cannot do that you need to get your game up from scratch anyway but at least you can look in some of the fashion magazines for inspiration.

Me personally, have always been the slender type, where some girls said the even want more stomach on me or best a six pack or they wanted a bigger breast to lean on.

Today I am more fit with a bit muscles and a bit of training. I even have a bit of tummy of which I am proud of. My wealth pack as i Call it.
So if a Chick comes with that sixpack bullshit I dont really care or tell her (calm and friendly of course) to get something fixed with herself, preferably together.
Only few are willing to work out that "much".

With the Hygiene, the style and the fitness the Main thing is being happy and confident with yourself and showing it to others.

Prost! Meine Brüder!
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Agree with a lot of what typed. It's about the total package, more than any specific part. You can have a great body with a six pack, but: smell terrible, look a dirty mess, and have no personality. You then lose out, because you will usually not get far enough with many women to show your body off.

With that typed, Western guys have to keep in mind that if you are chasing hot slender or physically fit women, being a fat slob or human skeleton is not in your best interest. Sometimes even lots of money and funny jokes won't help. Image can count for a lot, because it's that first impression.
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Agree with everyone . . . wear clothes that fit well and are age-appropriate -- Americans in particular tend to wear everything a size too big by Japanese standards - "comfortable" and "proper fit" are not the same thing -- and dress too casually. There is a young white guy in my office who wears clothes two sizes too big and he looks like he is wearing his dad's clothes. It hurts his game. Most Japanese women do not expect men to be extremely fashionable but they do dock points if you clearly have no clue about how to dress yourself.

This is generally a useful thing to keep in mind but the average Japanese person (which, this being Japan, is most people) do not do irony or camp. Trying to dress down or act slobby or uncouth to show you're a down to earth person is fine in the US, but Japanese people do not deliberately act this way unless they actually are Yankis. And don't mistake silence for lack of opinion, they notice and judge everything. You can bring your dumpster-diving bearded beanie-wearing hipster act from Brooklyn to Tokyo if you want, but it will hurt more than help, and most Japanese people will be too polite to tell you to your face they think you're a doofus.
I usually get compliments on something I'm & women both.....
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My too sense. 1. Can I also suggest do not drip technology. Mickey Mouse size headphones (I always start looking for the hifi on a wheelie trolley) and even basic earpieces suggest, "Well, if it goes badly I can always tune you out". And keep your phone out of sight - better yet, throw the bastard under a train. Stock standard (see above caveats) you, warts and all, without fixtures. 2. And for Gawd's sake shave. Japanese women may go all panty-splat over Zak from One Direction but their panties may stay in One Location when faced (and you are faced) with stubble.
I am a 90s kids that grew up in the west (I grew up in California but my mother is from Hawaii and my father is from Arizona so the heat is like home to me), so wearing something "oversized" is just natural for me. Same with wearing shorts, t-shirt, flip flops every now and then, and a cap. One ex-girlfriend of a friend would always bitch to me about that. I was new to Japan at the time and we hated each other anyway. I just can't stand Japanese men's fashions and hair styles. It is simply not me. But yeah, Japanese women in terms of foreign men like shitty ass singers like Bieber and One Direction. A lot of the clubs in Japan that play the shit of today is no where near my scene. The moment that plays at a bar or club, I just walk out because it seriously gives me a headache and makes me more limp than Bob Dole.

But yeah, Japanese women aren't much into muscles though foreigners like the Schwarzenneger type are the exception. They are more into the soccer player, baseball player or basketball player type. I have done martial arts since I was 7 and a fraction of girls I meet on the pick up scene tend to tell me I am either "old fashioned like their grandpa" or "childish like their kid brother" because I do that. Or probably think I am some violent maniac. I heard in Korea in the late 80s, you could pick up chicks because you do Tae Kwon Do because of the olympics at that time and they introduced Tae Kwon Do. I was into Van Damme and Bruce Lee as a kid and I thought if I looked like them (not like I exactly look like them), I could get all the girls I want when I grew up but I was dead wrong when I became an adult and society also changed.

But yes, I do agree with R.O.B over shaving. Even when meeting a working girl you ought to. Me and the men in my family can grow beards in like less than a week so we have to shave every morning and every night for the most part. If I wake up and shave at 6 am, by 6pm, I already growing a nasty ass shadow. I remember the girls I spent a night with (when I did not shave that night) would wake up the next morning and some what freak out over my stubble the following morning.
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Johnnyboy, I'm also a transplanted US West Coaster. I don't care for Japanese men's fashion and mocked it when I first moved here, but now that I've been living in Japan for longer than a decade, I've gotten kind of numb to it. I don't think non-Japanese men should try to copy looks from Men's Joker or Popeye or something, unless you're really into fashion it's too hard to pull off (and frankly that money can be better spent elsewhere, as this forum details). I'm not really talking about oversized casual clothes, I'm talking about work and nightlife type stuff for those of us with corporate jobs. Cheap-looking haircuts, ill-fitting suit coats and trousers scream "salaryman ossan whose wife controls the checkbook" to Japanese women in their 20s and 30s and is a real turn-off for lots of them beyond just the questionable aesthetics. It's not a high bar to clear, but I am sometimes surprised at how oblivious some people seem to it.
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