Japanese Guy Here At Manga-kissa Complaining While Showing Off English Skills?


TAG Member
Apr 23, 2015
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So, I went to the main desk to purchase some instant ramen and there was this Japanese man that looked pissed. He was in mid-argument with the staff and I wasn't listening to his Japanese closely, but at one point he glanced back at me but didn't give me a bad look or anything and continued yelling at the staff. While yelling he randomly threw in some English? He said something like Same roomにしたい.

Has anyone experienced something like this?
You sure he was Japanese?
There are more and more tourists coming to Japan from other Asian countries and lots of them know some Japanese but aren't completely fluent.
I've known a lot of Taiwanese people, in particular, who have pretty decent Japanese skills but still some pretty big gaps in their vocabulary.

Or he could just be an asshole, IDK
You sure he was Japanese?
There are more and more tourists coming to Japan from other Asian countries and lots of them know some Japanese but aren't completely fluent.
I've known a lot of Taiwanese people, in particular, who have pretty decent Japanese skills but still some pretty big gaps in their vocabulary.

Or he could just be an asshole, IDK

He was definitely Japanese. I could tell by the way he was speaking and he looked very Japanese as well. He could have been an asshole, but the only one he was truly bothering was the staff. I couldn't care less if he was trying to express annoyance with me by using a couple English words lol. I think he was just trying to show that he knows English as well as Japanese. First time experiencing something like this.
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Could be! Way, way back when I used to do consulting work I'd occasionally run into guys like that - they really didn't have enough English to string a sentence together but would still chuck a word or two in there to appear "international".
Seemed like they were, without exception, middle managers.
I couldn't care less if he was trying to express annoyance with me

I think we are starting to establish a pattern here. Every time you encounter something you can't figure out you start to wonder if the person doesn't like you because you are a foreigner.

You better be careful as in the next step you'll start writing columns to Japan Times to tell the world how racist Japanese are and how all the bad things in the world are because of that. And while you might be able to make a living out of it seems your own life will become rather sorrowful and lonely.
Also consider that there's a lot of borrowed/katakanaized words that may sound like English but are actually Japanese.

Wouldn't these just be loan words that originated from English and other European languages in the first place?
I think we are starting to establish a pattern here. Every time you encounter something you can't figure out you start to wonder if the person doesn't like you because you are a foreigner.

You better be careful as in the next step you'll start writing columns to Japan Times to tell the world how racist Japanese are and how all the bad things in the world are because of that. And while you might be able to make a living out of it seems your own life will become rather sorrowful and lonely.

I know it sure seems like it, but I'm not always pulling the race card in real life. There are actually these people in Japan referred to as weeabos and these people are far more delusional and far fetched than even I. In their minds, all Japanese are never racist, never xenophobic and completely accepting to all foreigners (especially of they themselves). Try and wrap your head around that nonsense lol.