Recent content by brownshoesdon'tmakeit

  1. brownshoesdon'tmakeit

    New York Style [Kawasaki] (SL) Serina - She is a witch!

    The term for protection money is みかじめ料, and you might wish to read a 2012 article by Andrew Rankin in the Asia-Pacific Journal in which he discusses, inter alia, how yakuza require monthly payments by soaplands based on the number of rooms they have. It also addresses the deteriorating...
  2. brownshoesdon'tmakeit

    New York Style [Kawasaki] (SL) Serina - She is a witch!

    Ad hominem attacks are unhelpful. If you disagree, then constructive criticism, with examples or personal knowledge to support it, provide a contribution to shared knowledge (which is what this forum is really all about); vituperative remarks do not.
  3. brownshoesdon'tmakeit

    New York Style [Kawasaki] (SL) Serina - She is a witch!

    Or a payoff to the right people wasn’t made?
  4. brownshoesdon'tmakeit

    Barubola Marine Blue (SL) Freaky time with Jogasaki at Barubola

    Just checked CityHeaven and えれな appears to have moved on.
  5. brownshoesdon'tmakeit

    Soapland In Shibuya

    Before Kadoebi took over management, that place behind the koban used to be very gaijin friendly and provided the same service as NYNY/Champs in Ueno. We're talking over 20 years ago now. That was when センター街had a couple of very decent BJ parlors. Oh the memories.