Recent content by Eggplant

  1. Eggplant

    Greetings, People Of Tag

    Oh I'm aware :p it just happened to come to mind because of the book cover. XD
  2. Eggplant

    Greetings, People Of Tag

    When I made the account there was a book with an eggplant on the cover across the room. thanks! basically the first was a technically successful but generally awful experience that stemmed from getting offer I couldn't drunkenly refuse on the streets of Shibuya... that was an ouch. Not worth a...
  3. Eggplant

    Greetings, People Of Tag

    Yo- I'm an American, just moved to Tokyo about four months ago. Been reading on this site for the last week or so, kind of overwhelmed with new and useful information & possibilities. Tried twice myself before finding TAG, to varying degrees of success... glad there is a resource for this...