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  1. C4ssandra

    Good Adult Jokes

    The story of love hotel temperature in a series of 3 images: Walking into the love hotel: Getting out of the shower after blasting the AC in the love hotel: Having to stop mid-bang because you cranked the heating back up:
  2. C4ssandra

    Good Adult Jokes

    This one needs to be read out for it to be funny so please quietly whisper the following: "Yesterday I met a girl with twelve boobs! Sounds pretty crazy....doesn't it?" (Like dozen tit)
  3. C4ssandra

    What games are you looking forward to within the next 6 months?

    In the future you can clip through the cut scene if you crouch near the counter and dodge roll into it 3 times
  4. C4ssandra

    What games are you looking forward to within the next 6 months?

    Yeah I'm also a serial game-unfinisher. Still need to get through Persona 5, MHW, Catherine (Full Body), Witcher 3. Perhaps I should hold off on getting anything new for awhile but I can't help myself
  5. C4ssandra

    What games are you looking forward to within the next 6 months?

    My wishlist and description seems to attract gentlemen who work in IT. I'm not going to lie...developers, UX/UI designers, network engineers etc are probably my favorite dates. It's nice to get a birds eye view of the field even if I'm not very hands on myself. A lot of conversations end up...