News 12/5/2014 - Keeping Up!

TAG Manager

Executive Leadership
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

As most of you know, we have several tools to keep up with various content activities across the site.

One of the missing tools was a view history function. Today, we have added the option to view your 'viewed' history. Typically, when you reply to a thread, it goes in to 'watch' mode so you can be notified of new emails. That happens either via email notice or just a regular alert that pops up here on the site.

In the past, there have been cases where someone read a thread and then forgot how they found it or which section it was in. With this new tool, you can now check your viewing history.

You will find the new button on the navigation bar as shown below:


For database reasons, we have limited this to 90 days of history per member account.

If you experience any issues with this new tool, please report those problems to us.

Thanks for your patronage!
TAG Management